How to deal with chronic fatigue


If you have the aggravation of chronic diseases, there is a significant deterioration in the attention, constant pain in the muscles or joints arise, irritability, unreasonable feelings of anxiety or fear appear, and there are problems with sleep, then, most likely, there is a chronic fatigue syndrome. Some believe that chronic fatigue syndrome is a type of depression. For treatment, often a person starts to be pushed with tablets that do not always help. But there are ways better.


For the treatment of CHU, they advise drinking green tea, to use the infusion of the mother-in-law, mint, souls, valerians before bedtime. You can also recommend to raise the mood to inhale the etheric oil droplets applied to the boilers. For example, ten droplets of basil oil, ten rose oil drops and twenty drops of sage oil. Perfectly helps with chronic fatigue syndrome use of a mixture of carrots, apple and lemon juices in a ratio of one piece of carrots to halves of apple and lemon. Drink in half a cup of fifteen minutes before meals four times a day.

Watch out weight

According to statistics, full of people are subjected to chronic fatigue syndrome three times more often than those whose weight is normal. This is due to an excess or disadvantage of hormones, which accompany excess weight. A hormone imbalance often leads to mood drops.

Olesya Fomina

Olesya Fomina

Refuse bad habits

It is believed that harmful habits also cause inexplicable fatigue. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc. not only take away youth, beauty and health, but also have an increased burden on the body.


Intense exercises contribute to the allocation of a large number of endorphins, hormones of happiness. If there is no time for fitness, then just take a fifteen-minute charging daily. Regular exercises, such as walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, will also help reduce fatigue.

Take a contrasting souls

According to research, such a souls normalizes the metabolism, leads to equilibrium cardiovascular system, strengthens the vessels, and also has a general health effect on the entire body. Take it advise according to the scheme: first warmer the body with warm water for a few minutes, then sharply turn on cold water, not more than twenty seconds, then hot shower. Such procedures should be repeated for a maximum of five times. For beginners, it is enough to change the temperature of the water twice. Also during the procedure, it is recommended to overlap with legs to foot for the foot massage.

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