Margo Robbie: "I was lucky to play crazy love with the most attractive guy in the world."


The story of Tarzan, the son of the British Lord, who grew up in the jungle and brought up by monkeys, is widely known for fans of literature and cinema. However, few people know about his adventures after returning to London. New film "Tarzan. Legend "fills this gap. And Margo Robbie, the executor of the role of his wife's head hero, Jane, spoke about the work on this adventure picture, the premiere of which will take place on July 1st.


Years have passed since the person who once known as Tarzan left the African jungle for life under the name of John Clayton III, Lord Grastow, with his beloved wife Jane. And now he was invited back to the Congo to act as a trading emission of parliament. He does not suspect that it is a pawn in a deadly game in the glory of greed and revenge, where Belgian jerks, captain Leon Rum. But those who have conceived a murderous conspiracy, have no idea what they will encounter.

- Margo, what was your first reaction when you were offered the role of Jane in the film "Tarzan. Legend"?

"I immediately stated that I was not interested in playing the girl who had fallen into trouble." But my agent persuaded: "Read the scenario, this is a completely different story." As a result, I still read and thought it could be interesting. I liked the story itself, and all the adventures occurring there. I felt her epic and some mixture of all those films I adore.

"You can tell about the connection of Jane with John Clayton, he also Tarzan, whom Alexander Skarsgard played?

- One of the first things we discussed with the director David Yeats, that this is a grand history of love. These two characters so madly love each other that, when they part, you sincerely want them to be together again. Fortunately, I was lucky to play crazy love with such a person, like Alexander Scarsgard, the most attractive guy in the world. (Laughs.)

Tarzan's role was considered Tom Hardy's candidates, Henry Caville and Charlie Hannema, and on the role of Jane - Jessica Chestain and Emma Stone

Tarzan's role was considered Tom Hardy's candidates, Henry Caville and Charlie Hannema, and on the role of Jane - Jessica Chestain and Emma Stone

- How did you work with Alexander on these relationships?

"Alexander is a very good actor and a very cute man, so it was easy and pleasant to work with him." We instantly found mutual understanding with him. What I liked most of all in his work - what he did not do Tarzan Alpha-male. As actor Alexander does not focus on himself, he always tries to support the partner. All this gave good ground to create real sincere attitudes of our heroes. Their love story is unique, and we all really wanted to show it.

- At the very beginning of History, John and Jane are married and their life in England is very different from the one they led to Congo. What did they come back to Africa?

- Life in Victorian England alien Jane. She is not happy there. She grew up in Congo, and life in Africa closer to her than in the London of the nineteenth century. Jane really wants to return. And when this possibility appears, and John categorically insists that it remains in London, Jane is pouring. But in the end, she wins this battle and literally glows from happiness when they finally return to the Congo. Then, of course, everything changes. They are immediately separated from John. But she is at home, in the usual conditions, and this allows it to remain calm in the face of danger.

- In the film, a stunning acting ensemble is assembled: Samuel L. Jackson, Christoph Waltz and Jimon Honsu. Tell us about working with them.

- It was just incredible. For me, the chance to work in such a composition was one of the most amazing moments in this project. I spent the same time with Christoph, because Jane was captive by his hero, Captain Leon Roma, an impressive part of the film. Christoph did this character so difficult, interesting, peculiar, that I was delighted just to be near and watch him. Rom is very dangerous, but Jane is unclear. She rather treats rum with curiosity, not fear, and I really liked to play it. With Sam, I could not spend so much time as I would like. But we played in the film of two Americans and, as soon as they turned out to be together in the frame, began to ironize and joke on this. With Jimon, we did not have joint scenes at all. But he was such a phenomenal actor and played so much that when I watched the film, then literally screamed from delight. I thought: "God, he so briefly appears on the screen, but he managed to bring me to tears in this short period of time."

But in the end, the main male role went to Alexander Scarsgard

But in the end, the main male role went to Alexander Scarsgard

- What turned out for you the most difficult in your work on the film?

- the most difficult thing was to speak in the lingala language (the language of the Bantu Group, common in the Congo. - I had a scene where I lend the whole conversation. But one phrase I could not utter it. It was dying, everyone laughed to hysteria. (Laughs.)

- What sensations did you experience on the set, where were the rain-seasy African forests?

- The scenery of the site was amazing! It is just amazing how they managed to recreate the Congo. They built cities, the jungle so big that they could run on them. The rainding machines allow us to almost truly feel what the rainy season is, and to be in the center of the waterfall. I have never seen anything like that. It was a delight, similar to the delight of the child, producing in the store of sweets. Director David Yeights made the world surprisingly alive in the films about Harry Potter, and did it here. I do not know the director who could convey the reality of perception as he.

By the way ...

The decorations of the tropical forests of Central Africa were built at the studio in London on an area of ​​80 hectares with such authenticity that even smelled on the set as in the forest. Part of the vegetation was artificial, but real tropical plants were also present among them. But all the wild animals are jungle - monkeys, crocodiles, elephants, hippos, lions and many others - were created using computer graphics.

Alexander Skarsgard, preparing for the role of Tarzan, revised old videotapes from the collection of his father, Stellan Skarsgard, with films about Tarzan 1930-40s. The main role in those ribbons were performed by Johnny Weismüller - five-time Olympic swimming champion. Physical preparation for the role occupied by Alexander nine months. During this time, Skarsgard conducted power training and learned to move along the jungle as Tarzan. For a better understanding of the behavior of Gorill, the actor has repeatedly visited the monkeys kennels, where he watched them.

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