Let's change: what settings to change before going to the car husband


Gasoline ends, but there is no time for refueling? Forgot to change the tires, and on the street icy? The reasons to take the vehicle of the spouse can be a lot. Do not be afraid to do this if you are insisted in the insurance policy. However, insurance does not guarantee security, so before starting movement you need to change several settings.

Pick the chair under your height

Slide the seat while your legs will not be slightly bent in the knees when you press gas. Move the seat forward, if you press your legs completely stretched on the gas pedal. Move the seat back if your legs are too bent. Holding a knee slightly bent while driving, you will prevent the knee pain.

Sit so that between the back of the knee and the seat was a clearance of a width of 2 fingers. Place 2 fingers between the seat edge and the back of the knee. If you can't push both fingers in the gap, slide the seat back until you can.

Raise the seat up until your hips are on the same level with your knees. Raise the seat higher, if you can not clearly see through the windshield or windows. Do not get behind the wheel with hips below the knees.

When the back is in the right position, you should easily reach the steering wheel

When the back is in the right position, you should easily reach the steering wheel

Adjust the back so that it leand around at an angle of 100 degrees. Sitting leaning under the same angle, you reduce the pressure on the bottom of the back. If your shoulders rose from the back, when you turn the steering wheel, your seat is too much folded. Raise the back more up if you lean forward while driving. When the back is in the right position, you should easily reach the steering wheel, and the elbows should be slightly bent.

Slide the headrest so that the neck is in the middle. If your head is above the head restraint, when you sit in your place, move the headrest up. If the backrest is below the head restraint, slide the head restraint down. Ideally, your head's head should be on the same level with the top of the head restraint.

Adjust the mirrors

While driving in the mirror on the windshield, you must see the rear machines, and in the side mirrors - we overtake you cars. The angle of inclination of all mirrors also need to adjust your growth, since with different body location you will see different objects - the husband's settings will not fit.

Adjust the seat belt

It is also regulated by growth. With the right position, the belt must lie on your shoulder, and not be above it or handle the shoulder. The incorrect position of the seat belt increases the risk of injury when colliding with other vehicles and other accidents.

You will need to configure the navigator if you drive from the phone, and not on the built-in panel

You will need to configure the navigator if you drive from the phone, and not on the built-in panel

Connect the phone to the audio system

While you will drive behind the wheel, do not do without musical accompaniment. Do not want to listen to the playlist of her husband? Connect your gadget to the Bluetooth system, and then click on playing the desired track. Similarly, you will need to configure the navigator if you drive from the phone, and not on the built-in panel.

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