Roman Kostomarov: "To marry a second time I am not in a hurry"


The sports future of the Son predetermined Mom, who led him to the rink of AZLK. Here, two years later, the coach of Lydia Vasilyevna Karavaeva noticed, who was looking for a partner for his daughter Kati. And although the novel really did not want to leave the theater on the ice, soon they began to ride with Katya. Karavaeva, youth fell in every way: I drove everywhere, I accounted to roma to the metro after evening classes, in the breaks between training sees took to my house dining. And the couple succeeded, in 1996 she won on the Junior World Championships. Later, another woman played an important role in the fate of Kostomarov - this is Tatiana Navka, his partner on figure skating. Together, they rose to the pedestal of honor in Turin, won the Olympic gold. Although not everything in this union was smooth: there were also dramatic moments, and offended, and parting, and mutual claims. Well, now the priorities of the skateman changed, the main thing for him is a family. It loves two women: Civilian wife Oksana and a two-year-old daughter Nastya.

Roman, did you think about how your life could have happened if there was no ice in it?

Roman Kostomarov: "Carefully differently. Probably, I would be quite an ordinary person, worked somewhere at the factory. (Laughs.) Me, like any boyfriend, more pulled to the yard gouli, rather than study. Mom said: "Learn to get a decent profession and take place in life." But about twenty years old I just walked the wind in my head. I wanted to have fun, hang out. So most likely to the institute I would not do. Would be an electrician or carpenter. Although ... who knows, maybe at some point the brains would turn on. Still, sport mobilizes, makes it takes to put their goals and achieve them. "

Figure skating you began to deal with mom. Do you like it myself?

Roman: "I was then ten years old, and my mother asked if I want to go to some kind of section. I wanted. I was interested in sports gymnastics, I often watched the Olympic Games. I was very impressed with these guys - healthy, they were wondering on the rings. But it turned out that at ten years began to engage in gymnastics later. Although I had a good stretching: I sat on the twine, I did the bridge. But they did not take me. For some reason swimming too. So there was only figure skating - a native sport. Mom worked familiar at the AZLK stadium, she led me there. The first steps on the ice ... Probably, like everyone else: the feet of Xom, fell, broke his knees. "

Then you did not set our tasks to succeed, become a champion?

Roman: "First not. It was an ice theater. We went to tour with different ideas, New Year's trees, and I was there the tenth in the back row stood in a suit of some snowman. But it was still interesting. I dreamed that I would ever go abroad and buy myself a real Coca-Coke and Zhumakhka. "

Did the dream come true?

Roman: "Planned tour to Canada, but I did not wait for them, I was taken to the sport. I terribly did not want to leave - I am very accustomed to the team, people ... But long conversations for souls about the prospects and bright future in sports still played a role. I managed to convince me. "

Your first partner was Katya Davydov, the daughter of the coach. Well, what was it like it was - riding a girl?

Roman: "First, it is necessary for me and so everything in the yard laughed because I am doing figure skating, and here it is also with the girl! Somehow was galloping. Therefore, I either said that the sideller, or - that I go to hockey at all. Naturally, dancing in a pair is something completely different. But Katina Mom, Lydia Vasilyevna, who just saw me on the rink, for some reason decided that I would succeed. They then were looking for a partner for Kati. Apparently, I liked them something. (Laughs.) Of course, the first time everything seemed unsherre, no one then thought about sports achievements, although we spent three workouts per day. Then it became something to get. In 1989 we went to competitions in Riga, then in Czechoslovakia. I finally bought Coca-Cola - my dream was realized. Gradually entered the taste, Azart appeared to succeed. Although several times throughout his career, I tried to quit sport - for various reasons. "

Roman Kostomarov:

"Probably, if there was no sport in my life, everything would have formed a dramatically differently. I would be an ordinary person, worked somewhere at the factory by an electrician. " Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

In fifteen years there was a teenage riot?

Roman: "The yard began to delay. I lived in Maryina, after school we walked to Moscow river to swim, potatoes oven, cucumbers ... It was such a fan with which no training would compare. But Mom realized that I was deceiving, I don't go to classes for three days, and I say to the coach that I got sick. Gave good lulley and returned me to the sport. "

Mom for you authority?

Roman: "Yes. Although now its worldview is somewhat outdated. As a person formed in Soviet times, it does not always adequately perceives modern life. But before, I always consulted with her. "

How was your relationship with Ice Partners? In order to succeed, mutual understanding is very important ...

Roman: "The partners were different: somewhere I played a major role, was the leading, somewhere led (although I tried not to show it). It doesn't matter who in a pair of the main thing is needed a good result. But this process of wipes always proceeded difficult, painfully. All the same, everyone tried to pull the blanket for himself. "

Your duet with Anna Semenovich did not work out due to emotional disagreements? (In one of the interviews, Anna told that they had terrible OR. Sometimes the novel was even kicked out. - Approx. Auth.)

Roman: "No, by nature, and Ane with Ane. I just began to ride her after before that year my partner was Tatiana Navka. And what is called, felt the difference. "Candy wrappers" are both beautiful, but "filling" are different. Tatyana Older, more experienced, she has a better technique. Anya is younger, brighter emotionally. She pulled into the background technical side, which I didn't like at all. Still, artistry is good, but you need to be able to skate. So, comparing both partners, I realized that I made a mistake. "

But it was not your decision.

Roman: "Yes, our coach Natalia Linichuk believed that Anya Semenovich was more suitable for me. But I had to prevent this navka as my own choice. And since we have a very difficult relationship with Tatiana, I easily did it. He said that we do not fit each other in nature, our duet has no future. "

Roman Kostomarov:

"We are constantly quenched with Tanya during training." Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

So believers after that, it is not known that they have in the head! How did you later manage to persuade Tatiana back?

Roman: "I had to use the gift of eloquence. (Laughs.) It was not easy. Especially she just gave birth to a child. It began to stabilize her relationship with Sasha Rogulin. But at the same time, I think Tanya understood that Sasha made a career, and she was not yet. Just be a wife of a famous person - not in her character. She also wanted to succeed in figure skating, who gave so many years. Therefore, at the end of the season, I decided to take a chance - I called her. I explained for what reason we broke up. And offered to try everything again. Tanya was shocked: "How?! Linichuk sobbed on my chest! "She thought exactly three days, and then agreed. True, we had to get away from the lichuk, we began to train Rhulin. "

After all these events, you with Tatiana became tolerant to each other?

Roman: "I had no way out. I already at that time turned twenty two years: if every year it will change the partner, there will be no result. I had to catch in the clamp and move the cart to the end. I do not mean Tatiana, but the situation. Still, I was to blame for her. In addition, we were trained by the tannin husband, so all the trumps were in her hands, where to me with my six! Then everything somehow stabilized, went uphill. " (After moving to New Jersey, where Zhulin lived with Zhulin, the novel had to be disadvantaged in everyday life. He earned a little bit and did not have the opportunity to rent an apartment. The first time he caught in Tanya with Sasha, then he was sheltered by Ari Zakaryan - the agent of Plushenko. The month of the skater spent the night in his attic, on an inflatable mattress. Then Roma settled in her Olympic champion in Single Catania Oksana Baul, his good acquaintance. After winning the World Championship in Dortmund, Kostomarov was finally able to afford to rent housing. - Approx. Auth. )

And some couples so well found a common language on the ice, which even decided to create a family ...

Roman: "I can't imagine it. Tanya and I constantly hurt during training. How else do you endure at home? It is still necessary to rest apart from each other. Many such couples among the skaters: someone since childhood knew each other, rode together, tested the first love. Of course, they laughed to each other. Why not get married? We agreed with Tanya in fairly mature age. She had a zhulin, I had my own girl. Plus, our disputes and prosperities ... Even thoughts did not have any thoughts to try to make some steps in a romantic plan. Although, I do not argue, Tatiana is a beautiful girl. "

Chulpan Hamatova and Roman Kostomarov became the winners of the ice show. The novel was so admired by the talent and beauty of the partner, which caused the jealousy of the spouse. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Chulpan Hamatova and Roman Kostomarov became the winners of the ice show. The novel was so admired by the talent and beauty of the partner, which caused the jealousy of the spouse. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Nevertheless, both your wives are figure skaters. Is this due to the fact that athletes live in their closed Mirka?

Roman: "It's just no time to walk around the clubs, get acquainted. After the competition, there are several free days when you can relax, relax, chat - again in the same circle of people. From America, you will not arrive in Moscow. All youth, when I just want some entertainment, parties, I went in training. "

Are you in love?

Roman: "I'm getting used to a person. And quite painfully worry the gaps. Of course, you can see a beautiful girl, you will like it. There will be sympathy, love. But I know perfectly well that this one is not enough to be together, there must still be a lot of factors. "

With Oksana Dominna, did you break up love at first sight?

Roman: "No, first there was just human communication. My love at first glance was just with the first wife, Yulya. It is generally such a feeling that people are experiencing in his youth. The older the person becomes, the harder fall in love. " (Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautov met at the rink in the Olympic sports complex - she was a single man, the student Elena Anatolyevna Tchaikovskaya. They were still very young: he was twenty-one, she was only seventeen. Strong feelings captured both, but soon the novel was Forced to leave to America. For four years, they lived with telephone calls, occasionally occasionally. Roman came on vacation, and if Yulya flew to some championship in America through New York, he rushed to the airport to just see her for a while. They were sure That their relationship was tested for strength and in June 2004 they played a wedding. And Oksana Domnin became the witness from the bride. Everything was romantic and beautiful, but in the year of Julia and Roman realized that the marriage was cracking on the seam. - Approx. auth. )

What do you think is the reason?

Roman: "After the wedding, Julia went with me to America. She decided to throw figure skating, I trained from morning to evening, I paid little time. And she wanted to have fun. Probably, so she periodically flew to Moscow and walked here. He said that she flies to hold her grandmother and missed her parents, but in fact just hanging out. I learned about it in a few months. So I had my claims to her, her own. Just at this time I began to talk closely with Oksana, we went to tours together. Sitting next to the bus, talked to different topics. And gradually I began to understand that, marrying Julia, made a mistake. I felt that Oksana was closer to me and more expensive. "

You have been together for eight years. What is the reason for your reluctance to formalize relations? Are you afraid that everything can change for the worse?

Roman: "Well, I was officially married. We had love, a beautiful wedding with Yulya laoutov. And then everything collapsed. So why risks? In order to take a walk, collect people? This we can. In relations with us and without a registry office, everything is fine. Although, probably, Oksana, like any girlfriend, I want to put on a white dress. "

Maybe you're important to feel that there is a kind of movement?

Roman: "You do not think about it, but somewhere in the subconscious, probably sits such a thought. Printing in the passport can be great for pocket. As, for example, in America, when a woman receives half the state of her husband in the event of a divorce. I think that every decent man leaving the family will leave most of the property to his wife and child. But I do not want dirt, legal debris. I am very grateful to Julia for the fact that we broke up without any financial claims, although she could start downloading rights. Officially, we divorced only in 2007 - Julia asked for a delay, because she filed documents for the design of the Green card. And I was worried that she was with a ride and say: "Sorry, Roma, divorce I will not give you. Let's share everything. " There were some excuses, but, thank God, Julia nevertheless led herself adequately. She understood: everything that I earned, appeared after our parting. Therefore, we now have a normal relationship. "

Roman Kostomarov:

"With Oksana, we talked to different topics, and gradually I realized that she became more relative and closer than my wife." Photo:

And your desire to become a father was conscious?

Roman: "Absolutely. I wanted this after I decided to complete my career in 2006. Initially, somewhat unusual that all life begins to rotate around a small man. You have to come in many of your desires. The window will not open, the air conditioner will not turn on, you go to the store when you do not need to buy anything. But then you get used to it and you begin to realize what it is happiness when there is a child. You come home, the daughter climbs on his knees, it will hug with her handms - and nothing more needs. "

With my son, probably, would be more interesting? You can play some boyish games.

Roman: "I was very glad that my daughter was born. For some reason I wanted to have such a soft, cute kroch. "

True, what do you learn Nastya to skate, although she is only two years old?

Roman: "In winter, I had to take her with me on a tour, my mother could not stay with her. They themselves went to the training session - what would the daughter do not put on the ice? Of course, it does not know how to ride it. "

Remembering your hard childhood, how do you feel that the child is engaged in sports?

Roman: "Positive. Let suffer, it works, she strives for something. Maybe because I am an athlete itself to the bone's brain. True, I would like the daughter to engage in not figure skating, but a big tennis. In figure skating serious money you will not earn, and you have to plow a lot. I like the tennis myself, I play a little. I must get at least some adrenaline! I miss this feeling. "

When was life more interesting - while sports or after?

Roman: "Then there was a very good period, emotionally bright. But now it is not bad: more free time for self-development, for family. "

You are lucky that there are ice shows.

Roman: "Yes, lucky. But sooner or later everything ends like life. And from this a little sad. I understand that another couple-triple - and everything, it is already unlikely to succeed. "

Where do you see yourself next?

Roman: "Most likely in coaching work, and maybe I'll do it. But I think it will be something connected with ice. Perhaps not even here, but in America. Previously, she was absolutely not interested in me as a country of residence. I wanted home, all my friends stayed here. And now, on the contrary, everyone left there. There Katya Gordeeva, Ilya Kulik - Every year I drive to visit them. Climate is stunning, the ocean is near. Ilya has its own skating rink, he invites you to work. "

What do you think it turns out to be a coach? After all, you need a special warehouse character, patience ...

Roman: "Of course, I will give all my knowledge to athletes. And maybe later, in the process, I will have a desire to raise champions. But while I treat it as a business, like the opportunity to make money. "

Movie does not attract you?

Roman: "I tried it is interesting and great, but it is necessary to learn professionally. (The novel played a major role in the series "Hot ice", and also starred in the criminal drama "Kill the king". - Approx. Aut.) Where, I already have thirty-six years old ... Of course, there are actors who have started late. As, for example, Andrei Panin, with whom we played together. Now, by fifty years, he went to a high level, but what does this bring in terms of finance? The acting profession in our country brings income to units. You need to be chulpan hamatova or Nikita Mikhalkov. But come to become such, especially in adulthood! I'm realist. We must deal with your business - what is good for you. "

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