When the laws of the style are not written ...


Last time we discussed "fashionable wars", meaningless and merciless. And no matter how much we understand that they are based on the subjectivity and irreconcilable conflicts of personal opinions, we still sometimes want to get involved in the verbal battle and to defend our eyes, naturally, the only right thing for each of us. Are there any objective laws and universal rules in matters of fashion, style and image?

In its practical work, when building an individual image, I always emerge from the personality features of a person who refers to me, from the characteristics of his environment, graphics and lifestyle. Therefore, when I am asked to withdraw the "Council for All", I feel in a dead end every time. It would seem that it may be easierless to be recommended to comply with the rules of strict court etiquette and the requirements arising from them: wearing the classics and exclusively suitable combinations of colors and styles. Safely? For life in the city, communication with representatives of state structures, for hiking to church, to work, to the office and to school for parent meetings - yes. But if you are emotionally, craving for creativity and, for example, enter the community of lovers tourists, hardly case-cases will not bring you to rabies. Most likely, you will very quickly wave and shoes, and brooches, and neat styling, and impeccable bodily color stockings. And you will be right, because neither your character nor the style of life does not fit into the framework that the immortal classic dictates.

Another example: the so-called good tone rules. These include prescriptions, for example, rigidly observe the relevance of the Time and Place, do not demonstrate underwear and its separate elements, men are not indoors in the headpiece. In 99% of cases, these tips are really immutable. However, there are always arguable, but fair commentators, leading examples of exceptional situations in which one or another covenant does not work. So, the grunge style is famous for using artistically torn things and linen elements in casual outfits. And sometimes fashion on the combination dresses or bustier tops splashes from the podiums to the streets within and other style directions. From the point of view of strict compliance with the rules - unacceptable! In practice - sometimes it looks fascinating perfectly and no one went. NORMS and prohibitions do not work and then when shocking, brightness and creativity go to the forefront: art events, fashion shows, thematic parties. And, finally, there are rare people who know how to wear inconceivable things in crazy combinations and look organically (remember again Helen Bonham Carter!).

Does it mean above that there are no criteria for good and bad taste, style and antistility, which is allowed by everything and any misses you can justify your own special vision? I am afraid it is not. As I have repeatedly said to violate the rules, you need to know them. If you, by making up a bold image, do not give yourself a report in how appropriate it is appropriate for a particular place or situation, do not think in advance whether you will not insult anyone's feelings seriously (for example, after appearing in a short-fitting bright dress and cowboy boots on mourning the event or in white - at the wedding, not being the bride), do not try to critically appreciate, why it is now that you are here you run to the cliff, do not understand what you are trying to convey to others and that you can argue on accusations in shamelessness - better hold on to Verified more restrained framework. Any style "balancing on the verge of decency", each deliberately bright gesture, the emphasis must be clearly argued, originally from your knowledge of yourself and its borders ...

Finally, perhaps, the ladies are a simple and intuitive advice, how to expand your stylist outlook and, accordingly, learning image freedom, sometimes even combining incompatible. So, be open with a new experience! Screw the logs, view the collections, spy for street fashion blogs, analyze images of your favorite kinheroev and try to understand: Why is this or that color is used, why this particular cut is selected, what styles are mixed in the outfit, what kind of overall impression makes an image and which message is made in yourself.

If you accept for the starting point, that fashion is art, then to understand and feel it, you need to miss through yourself, your inner criticism and an enthusiastic viewer as more images as possible.

I wish you Miriada fashion discoveries!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova,

Image Consultant and Life Coach

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