Elena Zakharova: "You don't want to wait for the prince"


- Elena, as far as I understand, at the moment you are more busy theater than the movie. But the past television season was completed by the Chiller detective, in which several roles played immediately, and even reincarnated in the villain. How did you manage it with your incredibly positive charisma?

- We sometimes forget that the artist should be able to reincarnate. The actors often use in the role as it is, and then they sat down on the skate and went. And it seems to me that the real artist is the one who is reincarnated who is changing, who have different images, unlike character. I am not interested in playing people similar to me, more interesting to play those who are far from me in nature. Show me such as I am, nothing is worth it. But to play the opposite - this is the skill. I'm not talking about myself now, but in general. Here in "Serafima" I played, firstly, an absolutely negative character, secondly, a rustic girl. Many people said that I was not like a rustic. But they are different. Rustic - does not mean that with obliqueness to priests and says "Che." No, this is character. Her desire to be in the city, everyone gets from life. I am a Muscovite, and I have never had a desire to go on the heads, take grab and not let go. But I don't regret anything, I had a lot in my life and there will be more.

- And what is your character, in your opinion?

- I think that I am also a difficult comrade, like all creative people, well, in general, people who have achieved something, have passed a certain life path. It seems to me that over the years I have become tolerable to people, kinder. For example, fifteen years ago, when we went to tour and we were settled into some nightmarish place, I was outraged, I never suffered anything, although there was a young one. And now, probably, I will think: this person may have badly with finance. I justify him. If you made bad makeup, I used to be indignant. Now I calvely treat it and I will communicate in a different way with a person. This is probably some kind of wisdom. I do not think that I have some kind of complex character, but my parents are sometimes difficult with me. They get tired on vacation with me, because I say to them: we went there, here. I do not like to sit in one place. Although I do not think that this is some kind of little disadvantage. I am a fairly patient and peace-loving person, not bitching, unfortunately. (Laughs.)

Elena Zakharova:

Elena was already an experienced actress when he received a role in the serial "Cadet". However, the image of the beauties of the teacher became one of the favorites for her fans

- One of your recent works in the painting "Last test" was the test and for you, because you played, being in a position. It was hard?

"When I was offered to remove, I was very happy." But the shooting was postponed for a long time, and then I learned that I am waiting for a child, I had to cut the role so that I was not in hostages for a long time, because the deadlines were already pressed. I was told: "We hide the stomach." And I understood that no longer hide: you need to either rewrite the role, or, unfortunately, someone will play. I am very grateful that they did not refuse me, believed that everything would be fine. But "ambulance" on duty. I felt fine, although it was on the ninth month. This is a wonderful feeling when you can work until the last.

- And how quickly did you get out of maternity leave?

- The first time I flew out of Moscow, when my daughter was three months old. And now every time I detect, for me it is not easy psychologically. And then I was even scary, I understood that I just didn't want to leave anywhere, although I love my profession.

- quickly come into the form?

"After a month after the birth of my daughter played a performance, but I didn't do anything, I was in such a weight, in which it was before childbirth. And I can give advice: to come into form after childbirth, you need to do everything yourself. It turns out that sometimes you just have no time to eat! And if there are helpers on the housework and nanny, then you sit and eat. Well, both breastfeeding. Someone gets better from this, and I lost weight.

Elena Zakharova:

In the series "Seraphim", the root Muscovite Elena Zakharova reincarnated into the village girl and did it very reliably

- I look at you and understand that you have not changed at all over the years. What is the secret of harmony, admit?

"When he studied at the Theater Institute, it seemed to me that I was a fluff, although, of course, was not. And now I will were about as much as weighed in eighteen years. Three kilograms less than weighed to childbirth. I am comfortable in this weight, and I think how to save it. My girlfriends, for example, run ten kilometers almost every day to be in great shape. It is cool, of course. But I do not have any strength or time on jogs, because I try to spend all my free time with the child. I thought that at least in the summer I would run in the summer, but did not happen: only the croissants and fir pies. (Laughs.) True, then I got on the scales, I realized that there was nothing criminal. It seems to me that a person should sometimes relax, and if he doesn't like something, you need to work on it. There are happy people who do not get better at all, but I will get better if I do not refuse anything. So I try not to eat sweet at night. But if you dinner in the restaurant and see good desserts, then, of course, eat. Food for me should look tasty. If she looks back, it is better to stay hungry.

- Do you teach your daughter to sports loads?

- In the summer we rested the sea, and she already wanted to swim - there was a plastle and tried to row her hands, I caught her, of course. We only come to the sea - she already grabs the circle and runs with the words: "Sea, the sea".

Elena Zakharova:

"I am not an easy friend, like all creative people. But it seems to me, with the years I have become tolerable to people, kinder"

Gennady Avramenko

- Your colleagues are often complaining that they spend much less time with children than I would like ...

- I knew less to go to theaters and movies, less appearing at events. My daughter is still small, long-awaited, and it is important for me to be with her together. The parties were all their lives, and if I do not go, then nothing will change. And I would not want to miss some kind of child's development stage, I would not want something. Probably because I am an adult mom. If she had given birth at twenty years, it would be a different attitude. Of course, I need her. When I don't, she asks all the time where I am. It also has a character manifest. For example, exercise, she drops shoes and says, showing on another shoes: "These, these". Or, for example, she put her shorts, there was a little spot, she already shows, they say, take off! Well, my mother told me that when I went to the kindergarten, I said: "Yesterday I was in this, today I did not wear." She suffered so much, waited when I go to school and I will already be shaped. In Soviet times there was nothing, the grandmother was sewed, we got something. But when I went to school, the form was canceled, so the second wave of torment began: I don't want it, I did not wear. And I feel, I have all this.

Elena Zakharova:

"Sometimes it seems to me that I'm some kind of abnormal. I do not glue anything, I do not build up, not Kolya"

Sergey Ivanov

- Do you have a favorite time? For example, go to beauty salon, make some fashionable procedure?

- To be honest, nothing but massage the face every six months, I have not done yet. Even the creams from wrinkles did not use. I really are not so many years, just now people are afraid of even one wrinkle and begin to challenge themselves from twenty-five. I understand that cosmetology is a huge amount of money, everyone wants to earn them, so ideals are advertised ... I look at these women who gave themselves to Haluron or Gelem, many plastic chest ... Lips, however, have become smaller. I do not condemn anyone, but it seems to me that the world is crazy. Here I am in Europe and look at adult women, for example, in the same France. These are such beautiful granny. And from the back the feeling that the girl is a slender. Turns - I think: wow! They are so chill, but I see that there are no interventions. Yes, there are wrinkles around the eyes, but there is some kind of light, some kind of dignity. And with us, despite the fact that she is everywhere in Kolola, I see how much a woman is years. And if I see it, they see others. Sometimes it seems to me that I am some kind of abnormal - I do not stick anything, I do not build up, not to Kind.

- Nevertheless, you have a sin to complain about employment. In the theater you have a lot of work ...

- Yes, now began to rehearse in several projects, I hope that they will all take place. One play with us - "Cracks" Gorky, Oleg Kulikov puts it. There are still playing Sergey Shakurov, Nastya Makeyev is a good play, a very good composition, St. Petersburg team, I am happy, because the classic is a classic. An interesting placement of "not play" in the theater of Joseph Rehehelghaus, director Alexander Onishchenko, about the difficult relationship between a man and a woman. We together with Marat Basharov rehearse.

The game in the theater allows Elena to embody a lot of images on stage, which are not always offered in the cinema and serials

The game in the theater allows Elena to embody a lot of images on stage, which are not always offered in the cinema and serials

Photo: Instagram.com.

- Indeed, relationships with men is always not easy. Do you have such a thing as a dream man?

- Waiting for the prince no longer want. I, of course, dream of getting married, because it is also an important part of the life of a woman, one to be hard. But what should be near a person - it is probably known to God. Probably, he must understand and love me and my child, be kind, smart, generous. Just be my man, because there are people who are suitable for each other, but are not at all suitable. Of course, in twenty years it is easier to fall in love with when you are older. At the age of twenty, you do not see the shortcomings in a person. It comes with experience when you already understand: it will be so like this. And ask yourself a question: why then be together? Just to say: "I am married!" My girlfriends are spoken: Well, you can do it easy! Yes, I can, but I do not want ababa as.

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