Notes of Thai Mommy: "The country of one dollar is not about Thailand"


In Thailand we return to your home. Travel is good, but here, on Phuket, better. In general, the whole South-Eastern Asia along and across the entire South-Eastern Asia along and across, today we have not yet found a country that is more suitable for occupationless existence than Thailand. Only here, in our opinion, is the perfect ratio of quality of living and price.

About prices - a little more. Because this question is usually interested in the first place of all those we tell about our move from Moscow to Phuket. For some reason, many naively believe that here in Thailand, you can easily live a hundred dollars a month. And very surprised when you know the true state of affairs.

... or create yourself paradise conditions for life ...

... or create yourself paradise conditions for life ...

So, the "country of one dollar", which once, maybe, was Thailand, today there is no. Yes, some things are noticeably cheaper here. Well, where are you in Russia find a wonderful stater house just for four hundred and small dollars a month? And in which European restaurant will find Oysters seven euros for a dozen?

However, many things are more expensive here - for example, gasoline costs more than forty rubles. Electricity is liquefied every month of 100-150 dollars from our budget. And if the cheese suddenly wants (his thais does not produce) or a glass of wine for dinner (what they do in Thailand is unsuitable for use), it will cost about three or four times more expensive than in our expensive (in every sense of this word) Moscow.

Yes, I heard about Faragh, who quietly live here on Phuket, two hundred dollars a month (along with rental housing). Another familiar was told about the guy who costs only hundreds - he rents a room in the center of the island (that is, far away from the sea), it feeds exclusively rice or noodles, and fruits buys in the supermarket closer when they are sometimes sold at random prices.

... everyone chooses what he arrived here.

... everyone chooses what he arrived here.

But if you get closer to reality, then usually the question of the cost of life in Thailand I honestly answer: remember how much you spend on a month in my homeland and get ready to lay out the same amount. We, at least, it turns out that way. Only here with the same costs the quality of life is significantly higher: we live in a big house with your garden, eat every day in restaurants, travel a lot, our daughter is studying in the international Cambridge School, and I at least at least attend a couple of times a week at least visit Spa. Sea, sun and friendly smiles are attached.

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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