Anna Kotova Dreyabina: "Vanya decided to provide a family so that I could devote myself to creativity"


Anna Kotovu-derayabina many spectators noticed after the release of the TV series "Love around the area" and "light from the next world." But her creative fate began typically for young actors - there is a diploma in her arms, and what to do with it is incomprehensible. Because it is not called anywhere, or you get a refusal. Many at this stage break, cease to believe in themselves. It is very important that a close man who could calm down and support. And in this sense, with her husband Ivan Anna was very lucky. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Anna, what's in your understanding success and do you think yourself with a successful person?

- This is a subjective criterion. For someone, the success is to give birth to children and live quietly family life. And someone considers himself a loser, if not starring in Hollywood and did not receive an Oscar, although he has already ten other awards. Probably, I am successful in terms of the fact that throughout my career I was lucky to work with good directors. But I realized that my way was hard work, I am posting for all hundred and fifty percent. I am pleased that those who work with me are appreciated and then invite you to our new projects. Whether I succeeded, I do not solve me. From the side know more.

- You initially not everything went smoothly, you even thought about changing the profession.

- In the first years of work, it was. First starred in episodes, and then I offered one of the main roles in the television series "Love in the area". He turned out to be a rating, and I thought that now would notice me. But nothing happened, and I was very worried about this. At such moments we lose faith. I remember my mother also frustrated. She is an accountant, a person who thinks structured. She has everything logical: I did something - got the result. And in our profession this rule does not work. You can't take someone's example as a basis and repeat it, everything is individually. Mom and grandmother advised me to be more penetrating, active. But I'm not a person who can go on the heads. I doubted myself, I thought that, probably, I was not needed, no one needed. And since there was no work, I went to the courses of television journalist. But then, after all, the profession returned me.

- Why did you even decide to become an actress?

- I always liked people in the TV. As a child, I watched children's show with great interest, I wanted to be like these little asters. In fact, I was a creative girl: danced, wrote poems in the notedra, several years sang in the folklore ensemble. Then I felt that I like to stand on stage. But no one thought, right up to my senior school classes, that I will go to study at the actress.

Anna Kotova Dreyabina:

"We were only twenty-two years old. Ivan found the apartment we removed. And I, as it should be, came from the parent nest to the house of her husband"

Photo: Daria Buturlinova

- No one was associated with the art?

- No, all were honest engineers, the most popular specialty in the USSR. But my cousin went to the mugs of self-conceived, participated in amateur performances and dreamed of acting profession. She had a beautiful voice, she sang perfectly and read prose. This is perhaps the only example in my family so that someone engaged in creativity.

- You mentioned the director who were lucky. Probably one of them - Boris Khlebnikov. No longer the first picture, where he invites you. Do you work comfortably together?

- Yes, Boria is very sensitive, calm, intelligent person. And the atmosphere on the site creates friendly. He trusts your acting actor, that you are finally starting to trust yourself. And it is very valuable. He has excellent inner ace, knows how to listen. He has a strong feeling of truth, so no one replays, everything happens naturally.

- In the criminal drama "Storm", how did you get? Casting or for you specifically wrote a role?

- I called me, called for samples. But Boris immediately said that it was trying to show the producers of those actors whom he chose. (Laughs.)

- How can you describe your heroine in a few words?

- This is a Russian woman, the reflection of the mood of most people. She is not of those who fight for the truth defend some of their ideas. Its position is this: everyone is doing so, and I, too. She just sails downstream.

- What is the role then for you then the raisin role? Or did you just wanted to work with the breadhead?

- Naturally! Where to be invited to none - even stand up to the episode, silent, - I would agree. As it often happens in the paintings of Khlebnikov, my heroine is an ordinary woman. But this is just a certain challenge - to make interesting things that seem mundane. In addition to the director, I was lucky with colleagues on the site, Alexander Robak, Anna Mikhalkov and Maxim Lagashkin starred.

- But dramatic events occur around this ordinary woman. Very important topics in the picture are affected, for example, the choice between love and debt. Have you ever had a similar solution ever in life?

- Thank God, this was not. I was very lucky with my husband who supports me throughout my career, allows you to spend a lot of time on it, without reproaching. On the contrary, in difficult moments only encourages, encourages moving forward. Previously, I very painfully perceived criticism because of the uncertainty in myself and myself also scolded myself, but I never heard some comments from him, only words of support. "Well done, grow further!"

Anna Kotova Dreyabina:

"I put money, but also to spend too love. I and my husband says that they must be investing pleasant. In travel, for example,"

Photo: Daria Buturlinova

- Ivan - Your first love?

- No, not the first. The first love usually meet. (Smiles.)

- Probably, at school, has such a spectacular blonde enjoyed popularity?

- No, I was an ordinary girl and did not enter the number of class stars. I liked someone, but I didn't have any school novels then, it seemed to me, it's too early. In this sense, I was a naive child child, like a white sheet of paper is unparalleled. (Laughs.)

- In the institute everything has changed?

- Yes, there I already had the first love, a young man with whom I thought, we all seriously, for life. And then it turned out that it was not. Very painful experienced our parting. It was difficult to imagine that he would no longer be in my life anymore, and what - again I have to look for someone, build relationships?! Horrible! (Laughs.)

"In an interview, you somehow said that at the future husband of Ivan drew attention to the total company - he seemed to you with a person with whom it was very interesting to communicate. That is he intellectual?

- Oh, not that I am so smart, looking for erudites, intellectuals. Just Vanya graduated from the acting faculty, we, in principle, were some interests and a lot of common friends, which matters. We coincided with the tastes of movies, actors. I love my profession, and I like to talk about her, and he could support the dialogue. When I watched him from the side, I had one impression, and when we started to communicate more closely, it opened on some other side - it turned out to be much deeper, thinner. And it hooked.

- But you have long checked feelings - got married three years after you began to meet.

"I can, as a girl, was before this is ready, but it is necessary that the boy comes up. (Laughs.) Moreover, we were just twenty-two years old, the children's age is still. It is important that the man himself makes such a decision, and not under pressure it in the registry office dragged. Because, as the experience of my acquaintances shows, this scheme does not work later. Vanya found us an apartment that we removed. And I, as it should be, came from the parent nest to the house of her husband.

- He supported you in the profession, and he himself began to do business, did not go through the creative path, as it was planned initially.

"Vanya made a volitional effort, made a real male act and decided to provide a family that the wife could devote himself to creativity.

- Such a victim!

- Yes. Therefore, we and eleven years together.

- Do you think that financial well-being is a male task?

- Yes, I'm not a feminist in this sense. It seems to me, now everything has become too radical. Women do not leave men any chance. (Laughs.) There are, of course, different life circumstances. Sometimes I will get a good fee and I apologize more, sometimes he. But in any case, a man who provides a family and feels more confident.

- How do you feel about money? What do you not feel sorry to spend them?

- I'm trying to postpone something with varying success. But I also love to spend. I and my husband says that money must bring joy, they must be investing pleasant, in travel, for example. Previously, I loved to dress up, but now, when a lot of work and you and so dressed, paint and happily, in ordinary life I want to wear something more comfortable. Of course, holidays and events are an exception. I love shoes and bags. I have a lot of them, but it turns out that there is always something missing to some along with. (Laughs.)

Anna Kotova Dreyabina:

"I am quite frank with friends, but at the same time I have a rule: do not discuss family problems, not to endure sorny from the hut"

Photo: Daria Buturlinova

- Do you follow my husband's wardrobe?

- Vanya tidy man, clothing should be clean, stroking. And if he sees that the socks are not suitable for the priests, he will not go like that. He watches his appearance that for a man the same need, as for a woman, in my opinion.

- There is an idea of ​​actresses as creatures that are far from life, which are all in thoughts about high, in roles. Do you like to do something for home?

- Like when there is a mood. Of course, I try to respond to play the role of the custodian of a family hearth (smiles), but in fact it easier for me to spend fifteen hours on shooting than to wash the floor. When inspiration finds me, I look at some interesting culinary recipes, I cook something delicious. Unfortunately, I do not work easily and just cope with every day routine affairs, but I really want to come to this.

- Do you have proven ways to restore energy?

- This is a spa, water procedures. Then, I like to travel, discover new countries for myself, it frees consciousness. And if you do not have the opportunity to leave, then I just choose in nature, I love to walk in Silver Bor, stand over the river, look at the water. I am restored alone.

- Are you an introvert, it turns out?

- I just recently understood it. On the one hand, I am a sociable person, but from a large number of communication I get tired, I feel good one and not boring. Although I have friends proven over the years.

- Previously, no one was shy to share with his friends with his sorrows, and now it is believed that it is ugly to frighten the negative, there is a problem - go to a psychologist.

- This is an American trend, not ours. Of course, if the problem is serious, then you need to contact a specialist. I myself, in the period of spiritual torments, went to any psychological trainings. But no one has canceled conversations with girlfriends. (Laughs.) Seeking a cup of tea or behind a glass of wine, move the bones with a common acquaintance and somehow talk, throw out emotions. I am quite frank with my friends, but at the same time I have a rule: not to discuss family problems, not to take out what is called soring from the hut. In any family it does not cost without quarrels, but we will argue and make me, and people will remember that he is so bad, did something and that.

- After almost eleven years old can you say that you know absolutely everything about the husband?

- No, on the contrary, the further, the more interesting. Other parties are open. It seems to me, there is not a single family that is always happy. And in such complex life moments, people show their qualities. Recognize yourself and the other, learn from each other - it's so cool! Much cooler than just romance, Fleur, which is at the very beginning of the relationship. The feeling of a nearby shoulder is important, the ability to conduct a dialogue, listen to another person. Some of this quality is innate, and it's hard for me to give the art of diplomacy, it's easier for me to say everything that I think. But I understand that you need to look for more subtle ways to communicate.

- You still try to somehow surprise each other, do surprises?

"It's hard for me a surprise - I'll find out everything." (Laughs.) But I sometimes managed to surprise. I remember when he still had a musical club, I gathered his friends and we, a surprise, closer to midnight came to congratulate him on his birthday. I call him: "I urgently go out into the street, I'm here." He was frightened, runs away - and there we are with cakes and balls. They arranged a great holiday. He was very nice. I generally love to make gifts, I can spend all the money, only to be great.

- Do you have strategic goals ahead?

"I tried, but no wonder they say:" Want to laugh God, tell him about your plans. " I once accounted for a list of heights that should achieve, but life is life, everything is being adjusted. I am not from those who put the planks: everything, in five years I will be filmed in Hollywood!

Anna Kotova Dreyabina:

"I try to respond to play the role of the keeper of a family hearth, but it's easier for me to spend fifteen hours on shooting than to wash the floor"

Photo: Daria Buturlinova

- Something you often mention about Hollywood.

"I just periodically watch Hollywood Reporter: they collect round tables where famous actors, directors are invited, and everyone is discussed about the profession. And it is so informative and interesting! Sorry, we do not have similar meetings.

- Do you have any idols among the actors? Maybe Reese Witherspoon, which are you like something like?

- I talked about it. (Smiles.) Well, it looks like and similar. She is a beautiful woman and actress. I really liked her job in the TV series "Big Little Lie". By the way, Mearyl Streep was shot there. I think I'm not original, but it is impossible not to be her fan, because it is delightful, incredibly talented. Among the Soviet actors, there were also a lot of masters of their era: Yuri Nikulin, Vasily Shukshin, Evgeny Evstigneev. They did not play, but lived in the cinema, they gave us such heroes, what no. We hung out somehow. I would like to do my job as worthy, so that it was what was proud and what to remember.

- Theater has never been interested in you so much like a movie?

- In the repertoire classical theater, I never worked. But since 2010 I serve in the theater.doc, this is the theater of the modern plan, more chamber. From there, a bunch of our scenariors came out: Natasha Meschaninov, Alexander Rodionov, Durenkov Vyacheslav and Mikhail, Boria Khlebnikov - these people later led me to cinema. In the theatre. Doc I have a good training - this is a small theater, where viewers are sitting in a meter from you, you are not playing not to the general public, and everything happens as natural as possible, without any feeling. That's something close to the movies.

- Imagine yourself at seventy years. How would you like to meet old age?

- Well ... seventy - it's not old age. My grandmother is eighty-eight, she is Bodra, energetic and does not sit on the spot, constantly in some moves in any resorts, sanatoriums.

- That is, at seventy you with a backpack behind your back conquer Everest?

- No, I did not extremal, of course. It seems in the imagination a little different picture that I sit at home on the terrace, drink a delicious fresh tea. There is a call, I take the phone. This is grandchildren. They say: "Granny, we will be soon." "Yes, yes, we wait for you." Fall in Shawl Steame. Suitable for me Vanya, hugs by the shoulders. We sit down next and look at the sunset.

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