And the sun rises: the history of the life and death of Ernest Hemingway


On the second July, on a hot summer day, fifty-five years ago, a leaving from the intelligent and quiet town of Oak-Park near Chicago, known for the whole world writer Ernest Hemingway, brought abacus with life with his beloved rifle. He was sixty-one, and until his sixty-second birthday, a man did not live twenty days. In the same way, his father, brother and granddaughter left the world ...

The amazing irony of fate: Ernest Hemingway desperately escaped from the image of the father, trying to prove to all his creature that he was not as soft, not a fatty and quiet, but a real man capable of act. And how ended this flight in length? Father and son, so unlike and so strikingly close, graduated from their days in the same way. The descendants of the family are confident that they owe Fatum, evil rock. But maybe it's a matter of something else - in natural similarity and influence on each other of the fates of native people, which is strong, despite all the excuses and the desperate reluctance to admit him?

The future symbol of the so-called lost generation, those who have seen the two world wars and early met death and pain, was born in a respectable family. Nothing forestended to the fact that young Ernest, one of the four children of Clarence and Grace Hemingway, will be the one who eventually became. His father was engaged in medicine, and his mother was absorbed in the upbringing of offspring. Subsequently, the writer described his childhood in detail than he was in the rage of pious relatives. Obviously, most of the parents outraged that their son died to realize his dreams and plans - alas, neither at Grace, nor Clarence it came out.

Broken dreams

Hamingway Family History may seem like many to familiar pain. Unassuming, a modest nature lover, a quiet collector Dr. Clarence in an insistently persistent manner achieved his hand (but not a heart, as it turns out to be an ambitious, the wayward girl with the future opera diva Grace Hall. The young has long thought that preferred is traditional family values ​​or a promise of glory, and as a result, the fear won ambition. Until the end of his life, Grace will be disliked her husband for the fact that once for the sake of him abandoned the light of sofaths and applause. However, Dr. Hemingway himself could not fully realize himself. So lived these two unfortunate, but fulfilling their duty to the conservative American human society. Grace was engaged in a little economy, but he was glad to be laughed in grandiose construction and repair, trying to somehow achieve a beautiful life. The doctor tried to spend all his free time in nature, fishing or hunting. Actually, he instilled a young Ernest passion for the natural sciences: the boy became his companion and an assistant in the days of long-awaited shafts in the forest. "Do not Cry! When it hurts so much that it is impossible to restrain tears, - whistle "- Such a Council gave Clarence to his son, and after Erney noticed that Dad constantly dissuashes some melodies. It was not only in the summer - when the men went to Lake Valun. There, in the atmosphere of freedom from all-seeing street, Mrs. Hemingway, Ernie and his father felt happy.

Mother, who created a secular salon in his house, was not able to instill a love for music: Ernie hated Cello classes and in church church. "She did not let me go to school for a whole year so that I was learning music. I thought that I had the abilities, and I had no talent, "the older writer will say later. The image of the mother can be traced in the work of Hemingway quite clearly - as well as his attitude to this powerful and capricious woman. Ernest himself seemed that it was she who brought his father to suicide - a man whom he was guarding no matter what.

Ultimately, Grace fully mastered the will of his husband. Parents made a single front against the wayward son, who did not want to go to the footsteps of the mother, nor in the footsteps of the Father. By twenty-one, Ernest expelled from the house - for unwillingness to learn from the university and lead a plea lifestyle. Until the end of his days, Grace and Clarence on the world scolded the son, who used the "dirty", "indecent" words in his works.

First shot

Love for writing manifested itself in Ernie from the young years. Somehow for the question, whether he remembers when he decided to become a writer, Hemingway replied: "No, I do not remember. I always wanted to be. " His way to worldwide glory and "Nobyl" began with work in the Cansas City, "as a police reporter. Juicy, full of life notes about the life of bandits and prostitutes, street beggars and other marginals - that's what was the basis of his unique literary style. However, he briefly delayed in Kansas - by that time, Europe plunged into the Puchin of the First World War, and our hero (which, by the way, did not take into the army because of bad vision) went to the front as the driver of the Red Cross Sanitary Machine Driver. The writer described his impressions of this dangerous journey after several years in the legendary novel "Farewell, weapons!". Making the heroic act - the salvation of the Italian sniper from under the enemy fire, - Hemingway was very wounded, delivered to the hospital and soon commoded home. About the young man, whose body was more than two hundred wounds, wrote all the big newspapers and magazines. But despite the awards and honors, Ernie himself realized that "he was a big fool, going to that war."

The family with whom he was so dramatically parted, took him into his Lono. But soon a new conflict broke out - the mother did not recognize the man, military and writer, an independent and matured person in the sons. As a result, the final break occurred: Ernest moved to Chicago, he got married at the pianist Hedly Richardson, went to Europe. From there, the writer sent his manuscripts to his parents - but also Grace, and Clarence in the bayonets perceived what came out from under the pen of their siblos. "It seemed to me that I clearly gave you to understand: the decent people do not discuss their venereal diseases anywhere (Hamingue's Hero of Roman Hamingue was sick of gonorrhea. - Approx. Auth.). It turns out that I was brutally mistaken, "the father was outraged. "What are you writing? Then did I give birth to you so that you wrote such disgusting things? " - Estimated the wife of Mrs. Hemingway. After that, European letters from his son, rapidly shaking popularity and fame in literary circles, stopped flying in a quiet oak park.

All their behavior - numerous novels, weddings, works, travel and scandals - Buntar Hemingway tried to demonstrate the Father, how a real man should behave. The fact that Dad sped the whole life in the Oak Park, dreaming about the best share, took Ernie from himself. However, while the son embodied in reality all his fantasies and plans, the father gradually rolled into deep depression. Nevertheless, his suicide (Clarence shot himself) became a surprise for everyone, including for the 29-year-old Ernest. Sad news found him on the way: with his five-year-old son John, he was heading to Florida. The shock was so great that the man passed the child to the conductor and moved to the train to Chicago.

"It always seemed to me that my father was hurried. But perhaps he could not endure more. I loved him very much and I do not want to express any judgments, "twenty years later wrote in the preface to" Goodbye, weapons! " Already a mastted writer.

The road of death

Mocked and Zador Hemingway, his sharp desire to live and create greatly influenced with love relationships. He belonged to the rare type of men who are ready to marry infinitely - once, two, three ... As a result, Ernie managed to play four weddings, and he walked his wife every wife, gave affectionate and funny nicknames, with each tried to keep friendly relationships after breaking. The first spouse, Helli, received the name of a smart cat, and their firstborn, the one who is caring dad (so called the writer and children, and wives, and mistresses) left the train, became Bambi. The second wife, Paulina Pfeifer, bright beauty, model, rich and fashionista, lived for some time with Headley and Erney. Ham did not seek to resolve the conflict and get out of this love triangle, believing that women themselves will understand and decide which of them extra. The first wife capitulated, and the Pfefer became the official spouse of the writer, giving him two sons. By the way, the further - the more desperate women chose Ernest. After Paulina in his life, a military journalist of March, Gelhor, appeared, with which they together visited the world of World War II. Ham himself confessed that it was such a woman that described in his novels - strong, fearless. However, he soon began to scare Erni with his independence: she ruthlessly ridiculed his weaknesses and fads, this brought him to violent resentment. As a big child, Dad could not remain alone, without female participation - the last companion came to the change of Gelhorn, also a journalist Mary Walsh. His love fate was as impossible - the writer really loved women, they were true and devotees. But life in that mad rhythm, who once chose a young Ernest for himself, could not pass without a trace - the struggle with the fear of death turned against him. In the past, traveling in Africa, racing on the night streets of Europe, Burning and War - in the life of Ernest settled panic before the end. Somehow Mary caught a frighteningly quiet spouse who charged his favorite rifle. "This is unworthy," the woman noted. The doctors caused by her took a weapon from Ham and placed nervous disorders in the clinic. There, the obsessive ideas of Ernie that it is pursued by the FBI agents, bloomed with a buoy. Twenty years after death, which comes very soon after the clinic, it turned out that the writer was still survened.

Life, as a plot of one of his books, broke off a shot from his beloved doubles, the model of which will subsequently name hemingway. Her many years ago, even before the death of his father, sent a mother to a man. What for? Biographers could not give a response to this question. Electricular therapy, inability not to write, talk clearly and clearly - it is these reasons that are called as the main when it comes to Hemingway's suicide. But according to the biography, which his younger brother published in 1962, such an outcome was the only possible for the legend of the lost generation. The powerlessness before the end, the desire to control their lives in everything - including her last moments - this is what Moving Hemingway. After twenty years later, the brother Leicester himself was shot, in everything he imitated his great relative. Early fourteen years later, Ernie's granddaughters, Margo. It is said that she looked like her grandfather as two drops of water.

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