Nikolay Baskov is in love with the married daughter Montserrat Caballe


Nikolay Baskov and Montserrat Caballe again performed together. This time the global opera diva for the "natural blond" even moved the celebration of his creative anniversary, aligning him on his birthday of the Russian tenor. Myself Nikolai does not get tired these days to confess the love of Montserrat. In an interview with Womanhit, the Golden Voice said, as his cable supported him in the most difficult period of his life, admitted that Montsita unevenly breathes at her daughter, and he also told him why he was not tolerated on the Spirit ... Diva dogs.

- I want to say that in my life I am the moments when you live, you dream about something, and everyone always turns and pray angel to be near and helped in life to make the right steps. Today it turns 37 years old, and I understand that the biggest gift in my life was a meeting with Montserrat and her family. They always treated me not only as an artist, but also as a member of his family. And I, in turn, treat her truly as a great woman, a refinery, family and attitudes towards people. I love her all her family, and there is nothing to add here. She gave me the most important thing - she untied my voice and gave the opportunity not to go to the foniatra, because I have the opportunity to sing like a bird. Maybe not all her dreams have been embodied about me, because I combine different scenes, but I do not leave my classic nature. And she gave me the classic opera key "Carmen" with the wish, so that I could once be sang in Hose. And now there is no road road, you will have to learn French again and very soon I will definitely sing Hose.

- Montserrat itself just said that he did not make the difference between you and her daughter, you like her son, but how do you feel about Montsita? Also as a sister?

- In Montsita, I was in love and remain in love until now. When I was next to her on the stage, when I sang with her Romeo and Juliet, I felt Romeo. She took the best qualities from Mom, from the singer, and from dad an amazing heart and humor. So, in spite of the fact that she came to Moscow with her husband and a tiny daughter, I believe that with Montsita everything just begins!

- Whether such moments happened in life when Montserrat was not the "musical mom" for you, as you often call it, but just mom, in a purely human sense?

"When I had a very difficult period in my life, her family arranged a surprise to me." I was at the relative of Montserrat in his house. She and Montsita sang at this time before the Spanish king. And I was drove on the castle, playing musicians, and I thought everything: "What do we do not sit down at the table?" I was hungry! And suddenly they all arrived, the whole family! And Montserrat then I told me: "When dreams and hope, there is nothing more expensive than your vocation - sing, so we leave all tragedies, you need your voice, no matter what manifestations. If your voice carries someone happiness, you must go to the scene and sing. " I will never forget it!

- They say, in the House of Caballe you love all, including her dogs?

- Not! That's how Montserrat's dogs for some reason were unlucky, just can't tolerate! They love everyone, but I do not. When I come, and we start singing, they immediately begin to push me ... it can be seen, so on them there is my voice. Therefore, we had to stop singing in the house of Montserrat, and now you have to rehearse somewhere else. It is because of her dogs.

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