Why do we hurt each other ... laughter?


If you ask any girl or a young man, what qualities it is most attracted in a potential partner, the sense of humor will certainly be included in the first triple. So why is the opportunity to laugh so important to us? This was trying to understand the body-psychotherapist, the coach for the purpose of the purpose of Ilya Bearetsev and the RPT-therapeut, the coach for the female development Irina Shekunov.

Humor and his role in human life

There is an intention to consider humor as an ability to bring laughter to another. Reasons for such an article mass. Fucking every year becomes more and more. Swampors are fruitful like rabbits. Everything goes to the fact that a teacher with the words "Hello, Children!" Will appear in the Syzran Securing School No. 2. My name is Ivan Petrovich. I will keep your lessons on Stand Up'u. Who led to Cow class? AAA, yes this is a girl! " And therefore, let's understand the subtleties of such a phenomenon like humor.

Vyrane in history

A man laugh begins from birth, even before it learns to speak. This may indicate that such supercopiness was present from the very beginning. Greet primates and even rats are known - a scientifically proven fact. When the mouse ran, waved the tail and broke the golden egg - most likely it was a mouse stack.

But the ability to joke appeared when a person began to realize himself. When I began to understand that he could influence the world around the world, and not just sit in the cave and fear. Of course, humor then humor now is two completely different stories. Millions of years ago, the parody of Mammoth collected violent ovations. But why? Why such an ability to man? In addition to laugh - cool.

Humor carries an important social function of healing. Long ago, when we noticed the yurody, poke your finger and laughed. Thus, the society got rid of unwanted elements - those who were knocked out of normal people. "That's how it is not necessary." On the other hand, the aggression that appeared to a wonderful person disappeared along with a laugh, which made it possible to take eccentrics and calm down on their account, or even make them a source of entertainment. Crested jester is an important role in the court. Only he could speak to King the bitter truth, wrapping her into the form of humor.

I will single out of history and raising

The phenomenon itself is that we are talking about a sick or that infuriates, and everything is fun and good. And then we will suddenly understand what in our country every year more and more humorists. So, stop! The narrative brings on turns, we are still not about it.

Most girls put a sense of humor first in the image of an ideal guy. Doctors say: "If the patient began to joke - it means, it goes on the amendment." All this suggests that humor is the most healthy mechanism for protection against stress and to express aggression. It's finely joking, instead of spilling - often more efficiently for the destination.

Jokes in advertising

Psychologists-Biheviorista from Holland described for the publication of Journal of Experimental Psychology results of experiments. They investigated how humor in advertising affects the perception of brand consumers. This perception directly affects the sale of goods and services. As a result, it turned out that humor lowers the critical attitude of customers to the product. It turned out to be much more effective than any positive and neutral messages in advertising.

Humor de-energizes our critical center in the brain and creates positive connections. They laughed at advertising, came to the store, remembered the joke, the mood rose - bought. Dutch scientists in the article say that humor as it does us defenseless before suggestions of marketers.

Scary funny weapon

We create such a number of humorists, because we are preparing for war. Not otherwise. Unfortunately, not everyone can use this weapon. Good! So you can imagine anyone! Put the joke, the guy! Slowly lower the reprint and push it to me!

We are talking about the aesthetic component of humor. As in any picture or musical work, it has art. And if you are not creative enough for this, you risk a flat joker or a blunt aggressor. And then you can become an object for humor.

Laugh together

We say the "soul of the company" - we present a person who is joking through the word. This is all about another humor function - association of people. If we can laugh together on something, it means that our thoughts coincide, and we are fine together. Remember how often in KVN, the Yarmolnik turned around to the hall after a successful joke? Laughing together!


Humor exposes conflicts, but tends to adequacy. Experienced coermers in communication are incredibly adequate. After all, they passed a long humorous path. How cool that we, spectators, can at any time look at the Internet something ridiculous and to treat in the social sense. We wish you only a useful humor. To new meetings in our articles. Until!

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