Internal style - the unity of many components


In most posts, I actively share with you information: about color, form, style, etiquette, image philosophy. And if each advice literally perceive, it may seem that the key to success is a tough grid of restrictions and prescriptions, a system of prohibitions and permissions, which defines each of your step ... Meanwhile, the situation in reality is, of course, otherwise: the formation of the image is the process Creative, often spontaneous.

It is almost always possible to track as one or another choice of clothing, places, behavior reflected on the perception of us around us, but here to plan any of my own manifestation, the change of mood and sudden "want!" Much more difficult, yes, perhaps, it is not necessary. When I talk about freedom of choice, I often ask a question whether it is necessary to constantly stick some one style / image or you can "be different every day". Oh, in response to this question, everything is simple, and difficult at the same time.

Let's start with the fact that the image is formed from the inside to the outside: the faces of your personality are reflected in what you wear, how and with whom they communicate, what objects are surrounded by. In this sense, possessing a strongly developed creative start and / or an extensive circle of interest, you will really be constantly visually changing. That's just if it is not a mask, but a true continuation of you, each "you" will be organically connected with all other things, each will not create your image again, and supplement it, enrich it, complicate. And on the contrary, if you are only "playing", trying on the knowingly "not your" images, it will be seen attentive to the outside observer. You will be given such "little things" as non-verbal behavior, intonation and the choice of words ...

We approach the problem of "unity and struggle" of images on the other side: we will imagine that you know well yourself and, let's say, are a commitment to the classics in everything. Does it mean that the road, for example, in a gym or to the tourist camp camp you are now closed, once it is necessary to behave more aggressive and wear the appropriate sportswear? Will you even even go to the store around the corner in the case-case and with strict hairstyle? Of course not! If we are talking about an adequate, suitable image, the "Classic" will only become the leading characteristic, the red thread passing through each of your choice of wardrobe items and behavior models. You can just behave a little more restrained than some of your acquaintances, give preference to calm colors and stations, prefer the quality and restraint of the outlet.

So, it can be said that each of us "one in many people" and our image may contain a practically infinite number of visual components (snapshots of images, as I call). And the difference between the congruent multicomponent image from the simple set of unrelated, non-composite, often alien images is precisely in the integrity of the first. About a person with a congruent image can always be said with admiration: "And it's all of it, imagine?!"

I wish you the courage of self-expression!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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