As a woman to position himself in business: practical advice from expert


Today, almost no one speaks openly about gender inequality. However, many are confident that it still exists and belonging to a certain sex is a decisive factor in the device to work and build your own career. Tell me, is it really. I will try to answer on the basis of your experience - after all, it is more than 20 years of professional activity as a top manager responsible for people, creating teams, changes and efficiency.

Is it easy to get a job?

Perhaps many will not agree with it, but yes, easy. First of all, because there is a certain set of professions, where women are rapid and more worst. These are mainly related to tourist business, media, retail, beauty industry and some other regions. But there is a small nuance, namely, a set of vacancies where women want to see. Often this list does not include a guideling link. The real percentage of women in the positions of directors and top managers is still very low.

Women in business have many advantages over men

Women in business have many advantages over men


Why is this happening?

In fact, we still believes that men are better coping with responsible posts. Moreover, many managers do not want to take a woman in the premeditated men's team. This is explained in different ways: will not fit, it will distract from work, etc. At the same time, in women's teams, as a rule, men are happy.

Another type of prejudice relationship is an assessment of errors and emotional behavior. If in cases with a man such moments are written off for fatigue or tough character (which is only a plus), then the female spins often fly offended statements, emphasizing its gender as the cause of any shortcomings.

Naturally, these factors are obstacles to a successful career. However, it is impossible to be considered decisive. Let's look at the problem on the other side.

As a woman to position himself in business: practical advice from expert 14196_2

Want to play on a par with men - do not try to achieve your goals, emphasizing your "weak" floor


Can a woman take place in business?

In fact, women in business have many advantages over men. They are extremely targeted - all psychologists and researchers speak about it. If among men recent years has been observed a certain "fatigue" - a desire for more time to give yourself, then women who have decided to open their business rushes into it with their heads and are ready to invest in literally from morning to night.

Such qualities as flexibility, emotionality, together with empathia, dedication and intuition, make women with excellent leaders and help them find a common language with partners and investors. Credit Suisse Research Institute even conducted a study on this topic among 3,400 companies around the world. It turned out that the business that was managed (or was actively involved in the management of a woman possessed the best financial indicators and brought to shareholders a big profit!

A serious restraining factor in the success of women in business is still unwillingness or stereotypes of the representatives of the beautiful sex. Many are not ready to give up the idea of ​​a family and a cozy home in favor of work. This is especially characteristic of the mentality of our Russian women. They traditionally consider themselves the custodians of the hearth and choose this particular role.

Do not forget about the dress code

Do not forget about the dress code


How to properly position yourself in business?

The answer to this question is very individual and depends on the nature of a woman and business that it is engaged in, as well as many other factors. However, there are several general rules:

Do not try to be the one who you are not . Do not try to become a "my boyfriend" in the men's team - you are a woman, and it is beautiful;

It is impossible to ignore the policy of the company in relation to the dress code . The main principle is moderation and relevance. If you want to treat you seriously, it is worth it to position yourself as a specialist, and not an attractive woman in an active search. However, the sign into the other extreme is the image of the "blue stocking" - also will not benefit you. This is a steady stereotype of a commissioned personality, to promote the career ladder that no one will become;

Want to play on a par with men - do not try to achieve your goals, emphasizing your "weak" floor , it only discredits you in the eyes of colleagues and partners;

- Remember that although your appearance and behavior will make increased requirements, The key point remains communicative skills, professional level and skill to quickly solve problems.

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