Good will save the world: "Guardian Angels" among popular persons


Today in Moscow, an important event is celebrated - the solemn opening of the Hospice "House with Lighthouse", the construction of which was waiting for debts × 6 years. The construction of this building was collected by the whole world - people sacrificed as much as they could contribute to a good deed. Among the domestic colebritis there were many non-indifferent people who often help those who fell into a difficult life situation. At the event, the whole light was gathered - Ivan Urgant, Chulpan Hamatova, Ingeborg Dapkin, Alexander Semin and other public faces. It is good that the list is not limited to these people - in our country there are a lot of good sincere people.

Konstantin Khabensky

A difficult life situation pushed the actor to an important activity for society. "Habensky Foundation", helping children with brain disease, began its work since April 2008 - at that moment, Konstantin's wife had already diagnosed the brain tumor. In December 2008, Anastasia died in a hospital in the United States, a one-year-old child remained in his arms of Konstantin. Sincere pain was able to muffle the help of the needy - now the Khabensky Foundation collects hundreds of millions of rubles a year, which are sent to the treatment of children and professional development of doctors.


The singer often helps the needy without talking about it in social networks. In rare moments, Rita want to share thanks to the fans to her. So recently, the singer fulfilled the dream in Hannah's charity marathon: I paid for the purchase of a milking device, which daughter asked for a cheerful male milk. Another time, Rita organized a charitable competition - for a subscription to the account sponsors who received Follovover, transferred large amounts of money for charity. On this, good deeds will not end - the singer gladly transfers clothes and footwear to poor families and sponsors of single mothers.


There is not much known about the life of Rapper, because he prefers not to boast of good deeds to the public. The truth is a couple of cases that we can tell. In 2011, Timati sacrificed favorite sneakers for the sake of a charitable action of the government of the Kemerovo region - the money received from the sale went to the treatment of children. In 2017, rapper put a point in the corner of his car. The car found in Kazakhstan on the interruption of the rooms, he suggested that the authorities sell and send money to the local orphanage or hospice. Even later, when the businessman celebrated the next birthday, he asked for fans to congratulate it in the original way: to list the money to the parent of the parents with a child's cancer. Then it was possible to collect a magnificent amount - now the baby Liza is completely healthy and rejoices life.

Gosh Kutsenko

The modesty of this person can be envied. In journalistic circles, there were no stories about how Gosha personally organizes charitable meetings with children and with what warmth communicates with them during events. The Kocesenko Foundation called "Step Together" has collected more than 100 million rubles since 2011, and in 2018 he received a prestigious Promey Prize, handed over important social projects. "We have no huge victories while we are looking for good partners. If we had an oil well - we would know where to invest money, "after receiving the award Gosha thanked the organizers of the Prize and Trustees of the Fund.

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