Fabio Mastrandhello will arrange insane dancing


On August 27, the concert of the most famous Italian conductor in Russia Fabio Mastrandhell ​​will be held in the Green Theater of the Education. The program will be called "Mad Dancing Fabio Mastrangelo" and will include dance fragments of the classic works of the whole musical heritage. This evening, an unforgettable extravagania is waiting for you - "Perfomans in Dance", as the Maestro calls him. Nice masterpieces will be performed: Bolero Ravel, Polovtsy Dances from the Opera "Prince Igor" Borodina, Falwing Dance of Cascoeva Kingdom from the Ballet "Fire-Bird" of Stravinsky, Dance with sabers and lezginka from the Ballet "Gayane" Khachaturian, Dance of Skomorokhov from music to the fairy tale "Snow Maiden »Tchaikovsky and much more. The Green Theater VDNH is famous for its indescribable acoustics, so music this evening will find a special meaning and multifaceted sound. All these works performed by Mastrandhell, have long become a popular classic, and almost any person can move the melody of these compositions, even far from high art.

Fabio Mastrandhello is the main conductor and artistic director of the Orchestra of the State Hermitage Charter "St. Petersburg", the main invited conductor of the Novosibirsk Symphony Orchestra, a permanent invited conductor of the Mariinsky Theater and other theaters of Russia. The invited conductor works with many Orchestras of Canada, Italy, Japan, Russia, Hungary, Estonia, Finland, Romania, Latvia, Germany. And since 2006, Maestro is the music director of the younger Opera House of Italy Fondazione Lirico Sinfonica Petruzzelli in Bari, who has recently included in the list of the most prestigious theaters.

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