Fashion trend in the Beauty Industry: pros and cons


We all dream of clean, smooth, healthy skin without making special efforts and preferably in a short time. Recently, the beauty industry has conquered vacuum facial cleaning - Hydrafacial. Is this procedure really so good? What are her pros and cons?

Let's start with the fact that Hydrafacial is not just a vacuum deep face cleaning, but a whole range of procedures in one: exfoliation, pore, peeling, skin saturation with antioxidants and deep moisturizing. It takes absolutely comfortable and painlessly on the device with a special registration of the FDA and can be held at a cosmetologist even at a lunch break, and it serves as an excellent alternative to outdated and painful mechanical facial cleaning. During the procedure, the device serves serum using spiral-shaped disposable nozzles under vacuum. And due to the shape of the nozzle, the upper layer of the skin is extended, contaminants are removed due to the vacuum, and serums that penetrate into deep layers of skin are applied under pressure. Thanks to all these stages, the patient receives a comprehensive effect in the form of perfectly clean and matte leather. But despite regular cosmetology procedures, the basis is our home care of the skin of the face to maintain the effect: cleansing and exfoliation with gels, scrubies, foam and lotions that fit your skin type. And, of course, proper nutrition and maintenance of the water balance of our body.

Cosmetologist, trichologist, Anti-Age coach Olga Ryabov methods

Cosmetologist, trichologist, Anti-Age coach Olga Ryabov methods


Hydrafacial It is advisable to pass the course (3-4 procedures, every two weeks) to achieve the perfect result and skin sealing. Also, this procedure is an excellent alternative for those who want to moisten the skin, but not ready for injections, because due to the serums supplied by vacuum, the effect of deep humidification of the skin is achieved. Immediately after Hydrafacial, you can safely go outside, because the procedure does not leave traces, and the skin becomes matte and well-groomed. In total, for about half an hour, your skin is literally updated, smoothed fine wrinkles are smoothed and pores are narrowed. And if necessary, you can combine Hydrafacial with chemical peels to obtain more active sebligels, suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands and deeper exfoliation. Exfoliating agents in the form of acids and in home care are required (peelings, cleaning napkins, exfoliating masks), as they are the basis for skin renewal.

As with any procedure, Hydrafacial also has contraindications - it is desirable to refrain from the salon vacuum cleaning of the face with a bright exacerbation of acne and allergies on algae.

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