Lovers of chubby lips on a note! How to check the doctors before making an injection


288 hours - so much is the time of learning a medium-sized medical personnel, which has the right to make injections. Translated to normal time, this is a little more than a month. Can there be a person to learn how to work or will you become his experimental rabbit? Womanhit disassembled that it is necessary to take into account before going to the couch for the magnification of the lips.

Education in account

Legislation for injection procedures regulates the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 381 H, which establishes the procedure for monitoring in this area. As mentioned above, the minimum necessary education is the passage of the program "Nursing in Cosmetology". However, it is incomparably with an 8-year-old medical education that a cosmetologist receives. The longer the term of study, the more theory and practice receives a specialist before touching your lips. Check certificates of education through the website of the Rosobrnadzor or the request to an educational institution where the doctor received a diploma. Do not be lazy - now that they just do not fake, but the extreme will remain completely spoiled health.

Injections need to be done with the mind

Injections need to be done with the mind


Quality not in last place

It will not be superfluous to check the quality of the Filler in the State Register of Medicine. You need to drive the name of the company and the drug in the search string. The service will show when the filler is registered whether it is a tool for injections or entered into the base as a cosmetic. The doctor must have a certificate of conformity and the original sealed packaging, which he will open with you. A qualitative filler procedure cannot cost Chezewo, especially in large cities. Low cost talks about the falsification of the drug or the insufficient competence of the doctor. And a good doctor will never risk the health of the patient for his own benefit.

Preparation for the procedure

The doctor must have a consultation with you to confirm that you have no contraindications to the procedure. The list includes age up to 18 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, skin diseases, herpes and other viral diseases, diabetes, problems with blood intake, oncology and individual intolerance of the preparation composition. Before the procedure on your skin, the doctor must test the filler for allergies. If it arises, the procedure is postponed before finding a suitable composition or is prohibited.

And what signs do you know by defining an illiterate doctor? Write in the comments below.

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