Ararat and Ekaterina Keskian: "We have a Neapolitan family!"


Such different and all the same together. Ararat Keskian and his wife Ekaterina met nine years ago thanks to a common project. They looked closely for each other long enough, but the most interesting began after the wedding. How the actor himself is joking, they have a non-politarian family. However, love helps to overcome all the difficulties and contradictions. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Catherine, how much is the stamp in the passport? Did you feel any significant changes when you became my wife?

Catherine : In fact, actually stamp changes anything. And here I will rely not only on personal experience, but also on the experience of couples, with whom I work (I have my wedding agency). But for a woman it means a lot. Internal confidence appears in tomorrow. When a woman, being with a man in a civil marriage, says that it all suits her, she is glavit. Most often not to conclude a marriage is a man's initiative. But there are situations when the woman opposes. People just do not want to take responsibility, there are some fears. If you ask me whether to enter into an official marriage, I will say that yes. It is not necessary to make a wedding - this is just that it does not matter. Only your relationship has the value.

- But you played your wedding four times ...

Catherine : Yes, we had four weddings and wedding. But all the weddings were not traditional, and what we wanted themselves. I would not have traded these four celebrations, the holiday for one traditional wedding - with the gatherings of the bride, marriage, banquet.

Ararat : We wanted to quietly sign in a narrow circle of loved ones, and at night we flew to Thailand. But a lot of people gathered on our painting, so I still had to go to the restaurant after it. And after - to the airport. In Thailand, we had a beautiful ceremony. When we returned to Moscow, it turned out that a lot of people want to celebrate this event with us. As a result, we counted sixty people! And this is a real wedding! We celebrated in Moscow, in Kazakhstan. Walked, as it should be! And after two and a half years we had a wedding.

- I know that you met the second time ...

Catherine : Yes, I then worked in a film company. I knew that Ararat was busy in our projects, but I have never seen it on the site. We really got twice at parties after the end of the filming. For the first time he did not remember me, and in the second he himself came to meet. We exchanged phones, began to communicate, not trying to make an impression on each other. The rapprochement occurred gradually. There was a moment when Ararat was frightened that we began to call each other too often. Said: "We must reduce the degrees of our relationship." (Laughs.) I replied: "Do not bother, let everything goes as it goes." And in a month we flew into the Dominican Republic. We spent together the wonderful ten days. It was so good that I understood: it's mine. I want to be with this man. And slowly started showing that I can trust.

Ararat and Ekaterina Keskian:

"We have a neapolitan family, still get it: we can hug in such a way that the soul will enter the soul, and we can not talk all day"

Photo: Stasy Smith

Ararat : At first we were friends, looked after. I am no longer a young man, behind my back there was some life experience, and could not immediately click something. There was no such thing: I saw and fell in love. But during communication it happened.

Catherine : Acquaintance with Mom also played the role: we immediately liked each other.

- Ararat, did you get a loose key?

Ararat : Mom flew to Moscow at the premiere of the film, and they met, quickly became friends. The test was, but Katya passed it.

- In order for the marriage to be strong, it is important that people have similar values ​​...

Ararat : We began to live together for one reason: the Kate are the same family values ​​as me. But at the same time we are very different. I still rub it: We can hug in so that the soul in the soul will enter, and we can not talk all day. We have a neapolitan family.

- Who is the first go to put up?

Ararat : It seems to me that I am more often. I'm leaving a man.

Catherine : Templement with us Ararat, I'm a calm woman. I can shout, but inside my calm. Ararat Armenian, they honor the traditions of the family, now few people are so raised. And before my eyes there was an example - family of father, where all the relatives for each other are mountain, support. In this aspect we agreed: close people are very important for us. At the same time, we have a huge list of inconsistencies. But we love each other very much and working on relationships.

- Difficult trigger walked?

Catherine : The trigger began a year after three, when the first child appeared. I got married at twenty-three years, Ararata was thirty-three. The age difference is solid. There was a psychological transfer: I was a small good girl, and he is a strong man, a titanium wall, behind which you can hide. But when the daughter was born, everything began to transform, I began to feel differently. I am fond of psychology, self-development, spiritual practitioners. Ararat in this sense is quite conservative.

Ararat : Now everyone has become psychologists, this is a fashion trend. I listen, I can take note of something, but completely let it in my life or replace this something important - no, it is unlikely. I respect the interests of Kati. A woman who is only engaged in the house for all day, can go crazy. In the grandmother's regions and grandfather closer, they can be with children. In Moscow, without a nanny can not do: in the afternoon she is with children, and we are engaged in our affairs. And if it does not prevent our family text - please. But if we are so enjoying our work and hobbies that we do not know how well it reads and how beautifully draws our daughter Eva, - consider, the world collapsed.

Ararat and Ekaterina Keskian:

"We are all dreaming of the boys. But when a girl appears, you understand what kind of happiness. It is impossible to resist the tenderness of the daughter"

Photo: Stasy Smith

- Previously, you adhered to patriarchal views, even said in an interview: a woman should know his place.

Ararat : I do not refuse my views. A woman should know his place, but it all depends on what intonation is to read. I wanted to say that the man and women have their own place in life, their own area of ​​responsibility. This centuries have established canons. Everyone must be responsible for its front. If someone is lame, the design breaks, gears fly.

Catherine : Male and female energy are very different. In a man, she is stronger, aggressive: he is about things, and a woman is about love and softness. But this does not mean all the time to wash, clean and wash the dishes. I lead two business, but we have a household assistant, in children - nanny. It is not necessary to do everything yourself - enough intelligent control. And the story of the fact that the man and women have their own zone of responsibility, we still remain.

- Men, especially oriental, great importance attached to the kitchen ...

Ararat : The kitchen is very important for the life of the family organ, it should be "live". Then the house and family will "breathe." The kitchen is not just dishes and a place where they unfold food. I love to sleep, and when we come to Sochi, my mother uses "prohibited weapons." If it seems to her that I do not go down too long, she begins to cook something tasty. And this fragrance of certain spices (her set), these smells that are spreading around the house, cling to thin paws for me, lure me out of bed. I am Armenian, used to a certain kitchen. First, to the national, secondly, to Mamina. And there are dishes that in my menu periodically must appear. Katya quickly studied these recipes.

Catherine : I learned from Mom Ararat to prepare all the dishes he loved: it is important for me that he was good. But this does not mean that I stand all day at the stove. Although yesterday, for example, decided to weld the bean soup at twelve nights. (Laughs.) I was pleasure: I didn't cook for a week before. The main thing is that an agreement happens between people there was no resentment, inexpensive, unfulfilled expectations. I am for a reasonable balance. And if I urgently need to work, and Nanny is a day off, Ararat will come with children and will not be indignant that this is not a male duty.

"Ararat, men usually dream of heir, and you are talking in every interview how good you have a daughter." Senake this energy adoration, tenderness?

Ararat : I only flew out of Sochi in the day before yesterday, we sat with friends in a male company, and I went about it. Everyone agreed that we dream about the boys, but when the girl appears - you understand what kind of happiness. The boy is great, you can discuss even children, but male topics. But it is impossible to resist your daughter who loving you. I'm lying on the sofa, and the Dianochka approached, neatly pressed, I put my head on my shoulder, hugged: "Daddy, I want to lie down with you." I doubt that the boy would do that. Rather, they would jump on the bed with a scatter. And girls are tenderness.

Catherine : Initially, Ararat wanted the Son. I remember, we went together on the ultrasound to learn the sex of the child. And I really recommended this doctor: they say, he always looks exactly. And the doctor says: "You will have a girl." Ararat was very upset. And I was upset because of him. I got into the car, I - Riding: "What do you, a girl not a man?!" He was shocked by this news, but then bother, and a year after the birth of Eve, he had already thrown from the fact that we had a daughter. And when Diana was born, he took her on his hands and says: "And let's give a third girl to give birth." I notice that he himself has changed, became softer.

Ararat and Ekaterina Keskian:

"Not all I can tell your friends, I will tell my husband. Not because I don't trust him. We just have a somewhat different format of relationships"

Photo: Stasy Smith

- Many parents try from childhood to download children with circles: they say, it will help in the future life ...

Catherine : I am not a supporter of a similar idea. I even spoke with a psychologist. These are the ambitions of their parents, they treasure their pride and fulfill unfulfilled dreams. Closer to school age, the children themselves begin to show interest in some lessons. And from three years you do not need to load. Our nanny - with pedagogical education. Thanks to her, the eldest daughter knows how to read, write, count. Perfectly draws, plays chess.

Ararat : I agree with the fact that children need to take something, especially in the era of gadgets so that they are not all the time in the phone sat. But, I think, and nothing good is that the child does not see the air around: it goes from one mug to another and in the evening it's just with my feet. There must be childhood. Here in Sochi, my daughters come off - there they have cousin-second-core brothers and sisters, at least five to six people run in the yard. Always call for guests of children. This part of the mentality in the south: contact, a large family, related relationships.

- Sochi for you - place of power?

Ararat : Yes, there is a completely different energy. Two years ago, I built a house there in my project. And now he care for him, I support order, and he answers me with love. I remember, there was a moment, such anger was tested on the contractors who led me, deceived. I thought all the legs lay down! (Laughs.) But for the New Year, when we just drove, I lay down on the carpet, stared at the ceiling and said: "I all goodbye to everyone." Inner calm came. This is my favorite, warm home. Quarantine we spent there. I didn't want to return to me nor Kate to Moscow. Probably the time has come to live where you are more comfortable. I am not interested in Moscow, I do not go to those places of the capital, where it was before. It would be possible to arrange your business so as to live in Sochi and work in the sphere where I'm busy. I hope so.

- Do you still be interested in acting profession? I know that you wanted to try yourself in the director.

Ararat : I went to learn to the director. Unfortunately, the graduate work has not yet removed. But I'm not going to throw this, in my nearest goals it is working in this direction. By the way, the view on the other side of the camera helped me and a different look at the acting profession. Some errors that I could allow, no longer allow. The director helps the actor. At least, my eyes in the acting profession do not burn with me, I did not arise my thoughts. It gives me pleasure.

- After the project, which "shoots" as "university", it was quite difficult to find something else, not to lower the bar?

Ararat : It depends not only on the talent of the actor, and also from the directorial courage. His task is to see the actor in another image. It's not entirely correct to argue that the stock of the Amplua is not right. Any director or producer has fear that the image established for the actor may prevent the other, often happens that the actor does not give out of his role or he does not want it. But in the cinema, there are enough examples when the actors out of successful and approved images are playing other roles and continue their career. It is also important here, which role actor performs in a long-playing project. From too bright, comical and grotesque painting to get rid of more difficult. If we talk about me, then get rid of Michael would not be easy if it did not last ten years. This is a very long time. However, I was periodically able to remove in other projects. And the transfer "not a fact", which I lead, represents me completely in another quality - an adventure crawler. And if you focus on feedback in social networks, today Ararat Ksekyana is already associated with her.

- But it is planned to continue the history of "University. Old men"…

Ararat : Yes. Of course, to radically turn his heroes will not succeed, the audience love them. Nevertheless, yesterday's students matured, they exist in another world and talk about other problems. I will give Michael my life experience. (Smiles.)

- Catherine, and you are interested in the work of your husband?

Catherine : Sure. From the acting superstition, he does not like to talk about something in advance, but in general I know what is happening in his creative life. There is something that has not yet implemented, it concerns roles and director. But nevertheless, I think that everything is fine. Because of the pandemic, many shooting are suspended, but the Ararat is expected premiere.

"One of them is the TV series" Vacation "on TNT, and there is a hero is radically different: a tough, cynical oligarch.

Ararat : Yes, this is not Michael, the absolute opposite! I did not agree for participation in this project for a long time, there were things that I didn't like, but we discussed them, finalized. And the main factor for me was not a scenario, not a fee, but the fact that I can try a new image that I had not yet. That is why I went. As far as I got it, we will see soon on the air.

- Who was focused on creating their character?

Ararat : There was a man from which I fed. When I started preparing for this role, the director said: "Do something similar to Artak Gasparyan" (this is our good friend, a former member of the KVN team "New Armenians"). I was surprised: "This is a completely different type, low growth, thin." - "Make a similar to Gasparyan, only a big and beard." But for me was closer to the Hero Andy Garcia - the owner of the casino in the film "11 friends of Owen." That's probably on him, I was to a greater degree. Shots were in Gelendzhik, my childhood also passed in the southern city, a certain intimacy of the mentality was present. Therefore, I felt comfortable.

- How do you usually spend your vacation with your family?

Ararat : When this opportunity appears, the first few days I have absolutely lying rest: the sea, the pool. I do not come to the phone, I play with my daughters, relax. But after a while there is a desire to go somewhere, to see the sights. Almost always we take the car for rent - and we are going for bright emotions.

Ararat and Ekaterina Keskian:

"The further, the more our relationships become open, we have more mutual understanding, trust, heat"

Photo: Stasy Smith

Do you have a need to go on a journey together, without children?

Catherine : Once every two or three months I would like to leave somewhere for several days. We used to do that in Europe, then in Yerevan. We love such trips, it reboots.

Ararat : The family of the family works on emotions. And without romance we move as on gasoline, by inertia. In the morning they abandoned children to school, they ran away, in the evening they met, the pair of phrases were transferred - and everyone, to sleep. With romance, everything else! In the evening jumped into the car, they took coffee, ride in the catches, night Moscow, sat in a cafe. Relationships without romance - Seryos! Periodically, we manage to get away from Katya somewhere together at least for a couple of days. Several times were in England. But yet we can not leave the children for a long time. We have not yet been saturated with your daughters, I want to be with them. Practice has shown that, even leaving for two days, we begin to miss, video calls begin, you want to see this little thing happy, see what they do.

- Catherine, is it important for your husband to be a friend?

Catherine : Not all I can tell your friends, I will tell my husband. Not because I do not trust him, just we have a somewhat different format of relationships. There are things that we do not allow yourself to do with each other or discuss, keeping some intimacy. Ararat is the closest thing to me, but the friend is not. I do not want to be friends with my husband, he needs me for another. (Smiles.)

- Ararat, if there is some kind of problem, difficulties with whom will you share?

Ararat : The problem concerning only me, I will not discuss with anyone. And why ship others? Before my eyes, I had an example of my father, a calm, judicial, who possesses an analytical mind - I do not remember that he complain to someone. He decided everything - tank! I try to do the same. If I am thinking about the problem alone with me, is more likely that I will find the right solution. Katya is taught with experience that when I think about something, it is better not to touch me, it is rebooted. She sometimes says that I once again depressed, admissive in myself. But we have a different vision of the situation. I personally believe that this is an attempt to analyze and find solutions. But if it is global problems with which I can not cope, I have a few people with whom I can share.

- Katya, would you surprise if Ararat began to tell you about the problem that torments him?

Catherine : No, but I would perceive it positively. It is working to show more emotions in this world. In our society, boys are prohibited, especially in oriental families. It is considered a manifestation of weakness. In my opinion, when you share something, it brings closer. And I can say the farther, the more our relationship becomes open, we have more mutual understanding, trust, heat. For eight years we have passed fires, water and copper pipes. And when many couples break up, we found the strength to turn to each other, forgive, accept and suck on together.

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