Stars affected by traffic accidents


Victim: Anna Semenovich

Machine: Mercedes S 500

Novekhonky Mersedes Anna Semenovich was made on a special order and is styled by all sorts of "commemors". But it did not save the car from the hijacking. Once the artist decided not to travel to the underground guarded parking lot and left the car in the yard. In the morning, Anna did not find his car in place. The singer caused the police. True, the ministers of the law did not have time to help her, because the kidnappers themselves returned the car. A lot of souvenir products remained in the auto cabin: discs, posters, and in the back seat - three dresses. The attackers, apparently, were from among the fans of the artist and, realizing, whose car, not only drove the car back, but also wrote a note with apologies. And on the hood left a bouquet of scarlet roses. "This is, of course, a miracle. Thank you for returned. But I'm not going to justify the thieves. If it were not my car, they could hardly return to her owner. There was a very unpleasant precipitate, of course. From now on I will put the car only in the garage, "the victim commented on the situation.

Anna Semenovich. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Anna Semenovich. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Sacrifice: Sergey Svetlakov

Machine: Mazda C × 7

Until now, it was not possible to find a car stolen from Sergei Svetlakova more than a year ago. The actor lost the SUV Mazda C × 7, which bought for his wife. Theft occurred from the parking lot on the ruble in the courtyard of the house where the married couple lived at that time. The servants of the order arrived at the place of theft immediately informed the victims that it would not be so easy to find a car, because the parking was not equipped with video surveillance cameras. However, Svetlakov did not even have time to upset because of the hijacking, since neither he nor his wife was yet accustomed to the car. "I am sure that she is already on the way to Dagestan, I'm not going to look for her, it means that this car does not need it," Sergey was stuck. The optimism of the artist was partly understood: the car was insured against the hijacking.

Victim: Anna Ardova

Machine: Toyota Corolla

In this situation, the hijackers kidnapped the car to which it was for more than three years. "I thought if used, then who needs it? Apparently, the condition of the car is good, the thieves were racing, "the actress commented on the actress. Despite the fact that the star was found in the police and reacted more than seriously, they did not find the loss. Actress had to buy another car.

Alexey Serov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alexey Serov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Victim: Alexey Serov

Machine: Mercedes ML

The soloist of the "Disco Accident" group Alexey Serov did not long enjoyed his new Mercedes ML. He did not drive and a couple of months, as the car hijacked. In the morning, Serov did not find a car, which parked near the entrance. The appeal to the police was unsuccessful. The car tried to track along the so-called "stream" system. His signal was caught when the car was on the new Arbat, but as a result of the car did not find it. By the way, a few months before the purchase of Alexey specially conducted a study and found out which cars hiring less frequently. This car was among the most unpopular among the hijackers. But, apparently, statistics are also mistaken, or serov has become an exception to the rules.

Alexander Bashirov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Alexander Bashirov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Victim: Alexander Bashirov


The car hijacked in St. Petersburg, where the artist lives. Perhaps this would not happen if the actor left the car near the house, where is usually quite crowded. But since there were no places in the yard, Alexander parked away. The next day, he again wanted to sit behind the wheel, but did not find a four-wheeled friend in place. Auto worth one and a half million rubles was equipped with alarm. But the hijackers are easily turned off. By the way, the car was very noticeable damage: scratches on the right side of the bumper. But, apparently, the hijackers did not bother. The vehicle did not find the vehicle.

Oleg Yakovlev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Oleg Yakovlev. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Victim: Oleg Yakovlev

Machine: Toyota Prado

Oleg stole Toyota Prado jeep worth 2 million rubles. It happened at night, while nothing suspect artist slept peacefully. The thieves opened the lock and disconnected the alarm. In the morning, Oleg discovered the loss. True, instead of going to the police, he went to the airport, since he could not cancel the tour. Instead, a statement in the police wrote his friend. As a result, the car managed to trace thanks to the GLONASS satellite system. The car found a few days later in Radonige. Moreover, the kidnappers by the time they managed to clean it pretty, because they tried to open the hood. But Yakovlev was happy and the outcome of the case.

Ivan Stebunov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Ivan Stebunov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Victim: Ivan Stebunov

Machine: Lexus IS 250

Theft occurred in the center of the capital. Actor Theater "Contemporary", as always, parked his car in the yard of his house on a small Georgian street. The next day the car was no longer. At the venue of parking cars, an artist found only glass fragments. Apparently, the thieves broke the window in the car, turned off the alarm and calmly left. Unfortunately, there was no insurance for the car, so no one compensated for the hijacking artist. At the actor at that time there was another car, so there were no steries without wheels. Nevertheless, according to Ivan, the stolen car was the most beloved. It was not possible to find it.

Sacrifice: Dmitry Kharatyan

Machine: Toyota Land Cruiser

The actor did the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 car. And made it masterfully. Spouse Dmitry Marina Majko arrived in a tile shop on Nakhimovsky Avenue. When she came out of it - the car was no longer on the spot. Checking the surveillance cameras showed that the attacker hijacked the car in less than a minute. Chet haratyan did not even think that the car would ever be returned. What was the surprise of Dmitry, when the police reported from the police. It happened by chance: when checking SUVs, operatives on one of the cars were found interrupted serial numbers. Soon it turned out that this was the car Dmitry Kharatyan. By the way, the new owner of the car bought it for 2 million rubles in Ulyanovsk and did not even suspect that she moved by car stolen from the popular actor.

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