Ultrashort and bleached hair: Features of care and laying


Hedgehog in Tumane

Yesterday femininity was associated with long curls, waves running on fragile shoulders. Today, everything is worried about. The main thing is our own feelings and acceptance of your own image. Apparently, on this positive note, the stylists of the past fashionable weeks took and crossed the models of their braids. It turned out, I must say, radically - and very sexy! Haircut under the machine requires a certain courage and knowledge of such a length. First of all, check whether you really will go this "hedgehog." Faces should be well outlined, with a clear line of chin and cheekbone, a rather high forehead and neat ears. The shape of the skull is also important. There are many requirements, therefore you can choose a classic - pixie or andercat.

Short haircut also needs stacking

Short haircut also needs stacking

Photo: unsplash.com.

Take them!

It is naive to believe that the short haircut does not need styling. Like, she washed her head - and ready. Perhaps, if you are the owner of hard, male type, hair that will strike with an indispensable bristle ... otherwise you will need two or three reliable means to texture and highlight some zones, such as slaughter, whiskey or bangs. Waxes and pasta - perfect option!

White white

Speaking of color, in the next seasons at the peak of popularity there will be radically listened hair and natural gray shevo. And if the first can be achieved by going to the salon, then silver strands are the work exclusively genetics. Remember that Sedina goes almost to everyone, but the battle effect is not everyone, because after radical clarification, it is necessary to competently toned the hair, better in cold, pearl, gray shades. Best of all the extra blond looks on the hair of medium length, for example, a classic straight bean. But if you managed to move perfectly into a blonde with long curls, while retaining their health and beauty, you will be on top of fashionable Olympa!

Support Group

They say to be blonde - not easy and expensive, especially if you have become her as a result of staining. So it is: by itself, the procedure itself makes a colossal damage with hair, and subsequent care should be thorough and constant. To keep cold color, it is important to choose a blue or purple shampoo plus air conditioner (they are also suitable for gray curls). Prevent the brittleness and cross-section of the tips should be the means of intensive recovery, among which is obliged to be a mask with a rich composition.

1. Repair. If you decide to radical clarification, be prepared to regularly restore your hair. In addition to salon procedures, it is necessary to use all the power of home care - masks and serums.

2. Protect. In addition to repairing hair, it will take comprehensive protection: you will have to protect both the new color and the structure of thermal exposure. Shampoos with purple pigment and styling means - to help!

3. Bright. Save volume. Painted hair tend to lose shine and smoothness, become dull and lifeless. Return them tone and shine - Task number three! Oils, mysts and veils will go into the course.

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