Conditional sign: what jewels are suitable for you


Bright light of showcases of jewelry stores manits us, women, as the languages ​​of flames of careless moths. We can measure clock and choose decorations. Astrologers advise them to buy them in accordance with their zodiac sign. In their opinion, each gem has its own energy. Incorrectly chosen necklace can be not a talisman, but, on the contrary, it is pretty to spoil our life.

Aries. Heading the horoscope sign and stone under to become a diamond. "It is a rainbow forever", "the famous Persian poet Hafiz wrote about Almaz. It is believed that the most durable of the stones brings good luck to its owner in everything in business, and on the love front. In addition, he protects the hot Aries from diseases and gives him courage, courage and courage. Guards a diamond and evil eyes. In the Middle Ages, a tiny diamond was sewn in a secret pocket or folds to protect themselves from damage. This is a stone of bold and decisive people who patronize the Planet of Warriors Mars. But he can become a faith and a happy talisman only in one case - if the diamond got its owner honestly.

Calf. Firmly standing on Earth practical caller showing the heavenly blue turquoise and sapphire. The latter has long been called a stone of the wise men for his ability to strengthen memory and give a special task for knowledge. Gossip and other goats of enemies will also bypassed the side of the sapphire holder. Turquoise in all centuries was considered to bring good luck in heart matters. For example, in ancient Greece, it was traditionally a stone of the Goddess of Love Aphrodite.

Twins . Duality is a distinctive feature of the people of this sign of the zodiac. They are simultaneously getting good and evil. To balance the effect of dark and light forces, astrologists advise wearing a semi-precious agate, which will give its owner internal harmony. Also talisman for those born from May 21 to June 20 is chrysoprase, he brings success in financial matters. Blue Beryl - the third stone, which should be worn by twins. He will provide good luck in love.

Cancer. The moon is patronized by sensitive and changeable cancers, so their mascot is a dairy-blue selenite, which is also called moonstone. He is credited with the magic properties of the moon. Selenite will help you easily overcome the obstacles on your way, as well as convince opponents. The second stone crayfish is emerald. In ancient Egypt, he was a symbol of the goddess Izid, guarding the homely focus. So his owner of Emerald will bring harmony in family and love relationships.

a lion . Strong and proud natures born under this sign must wear yellow stones. This is topaz, amber, chrysolit. Transparent Topaz will bring if not wealth, then at least will save you from financial problems. Yantary has long been attributed to miraculous medicinal strength, he will protect his owner from diseases.

Virgo . Jade and carnelian give happiness born under this sign. For the ability to deliver nephritis from any diseases is called a livestock. Especially he was popular in ancient China. The carnelian will protect you from unfriendly.

Libra. Always fluctuating weights astrologists advise to wear a lapis, which will help to be harder and more decisive. Success in all your endeavors will bring opal.

Scorpio . Good luck in love guarantees a bloody-red carbuncoon (so in the middle ages they called grenades). Stone sea and air - Aquamarine - will protect your family happiness. Well, and coral beads - from envious and ill-wishers. In ancient Egypt, amulets from corals even suspended the baby's bed to take damage.

Sagittarius . The archers should be bold and daring for nature. Attention should be paid to inlaid to topaz, amethyst and chrysolite jewelry. Amethyst will help smooth conflicts, and Chrysolit and Topaz will bring financial well-being.

Capricorn. Serious and thorough people of this sign Rubin will help to find a strong passion in his companion, and a semi-precious onyx will protect against accidents and diseases.

Aquarius . People born under this sign are diplomats from nature. Their mental abilities will strengthen the zircon, and the decorations with a grenade will help to meet faithful friends and allies.

Fish . Dreamy and melancholic parts should choose pearls, river or marine - no value. At the wedding, he was and remains the traditional decoration of the bride, as it symbolizes purity and protects against bad thoughts and temptations. It is believed that pearls contributes to longevity. According to his brilliance, you can judge the health of the owner.

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