Lazy sex: Allow yourself to relax


It would seem that it would be boring sex, when it is still far to 50. However, intimate life tires very many young people, so more and more they prefer the so-called "lazy sex".

Of course, if you are experiencing strong fatigue, you can go and just go to bed, but sex greatly raises the mood, so that the most lazy sex can become the second option.

Choose a suitable posture

Choose a suitable posture


Start with Pettings

When you do not want too active actions, invite a partner to watch some movie. But this does not mean that the evening will end with sex, as you might think. This is a partner when viewing. You do not need to hurry anywhere, remember the time when you're just "learned" each other, but did not decide to go further mutual caress. Why not repeat?

Try leisurely petting

Try leisurely petting


Sex in the morning

In the morning, rarely who gets up in high spirits and with the desire to exercise activity from the first minutes. Here lazy sex turns out to be like the way. You just lie on the side, you can not even open your eyes: Just give the partner to the tolerance and enjoy, lying on my side.

"Vegetable" is not ashamed

Translated from English, this posture is translated precisely as "sofa vegetable". As you understand, her essence is not to get up from the sofa: a man is sitting on the sofa, maybe even be busy, and at this time take the initiative to your hands, namely, sit down on top and manage the process. However, you first make sure that the man is not fascinated by viewing news on TV at this point.


For lazy sex, any poses are suitable in which you will not spend too much energy. Such pose can be the pose of rider, there are already talking about the relaxation of a man, the Pose "Dog-Style", which also does not require strong emotional investments. Another option is to lie on the edge of the bed and lift the legs up - they definitely do not overstrain.

distract the partner from foreign cases

distract the partner from foreign cases


Sex toys

The use of toys for sex is another way is not particularly tiring to achieve orgasm. Sexologists advise to look at toys and in cases where sex turns into a routine, which should not occur in healthy relationships.

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