How does the skin of residents of megacities suffer and what to do about it


The skin of the residents of megacities is prone to irritation and allergies, pigment spots and rash. The fact is that the air in large cities is full of dust, exhaust gases, smoke and dirt. These harmful substances are settled on the face, as a result, the skin becomes dim. To minimize harm, it is worth it for starting to pick up cosmetics with antioxidants and vitamins. About the rest of the recommendations, read in our material.

Our skin reacts to an unhealthy ecology primarily loss of moisture. Because of this, exchange processes and regenerative function are disturbed, the skin of the face dries and peeling. Decides the problem is a good moisturizing cream.

And, of course, it is worth spending more time outside the city in the fresh air: an active movement improves microcirculation - and the face itself acquires a healthy shine.

In addition to very little oxygen in the city air. Of course, our skin is missing. To ensure that it is enough to look at the faces of the inhabitants of megacities - almost everyone has a rather pale appearance. We ourselves tend themselves with oxygen when we prefer the sofa with a TV walk in the park. Cosmetics containing oxygen-satizing ingredients can give the skin a good color, but make cheeks with pink long will not work if you spend time in four walls.

Sulfur dioxide, carbon oxide, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, lead, mercury - List of pollutants in urban air can be continued infinitely. Singing on the face, they react with a lipid film and penetrate much deeper than we would like. Harmful substances not only damage the cells, the launch of the active aging process, and besides this make the skin reactive, prone to redness and Ote-Kam. Therefore, girls prone to allergies recommend creams with stress control. Pay attention to the European brand of the class "Organizer": they have hypoallergenic agents with plant extracts grown in particularly clear conditions, on plantations with tight control of the use of pesticides.

Residents of megacities live in a crazy rhythm - what can not not be reflected in appearance

Residents of megacities live in a crazy rhythm - what can not not be reflected in appearance


Vitamin charge

Like the whole organism, the face of the spring is not enough vitamins. It is a pity, but to lean on fruits and vegetables is not enough, because in them after winter there is little preserved. Just drinking polyvitamins either does not make sense too. Delivery of nutrients is carried out through blood, and the skin gets them after all other organs. Experts advise to include cutting creams and serums with vitamins A, C and E. In such cosmetics, special transport molecules are used, which "drag" vitamins through the epidermis layers. It is necessary to use it, like nutritional supplements, regular courses, since vitamins in the skin are practically not accumulated. Let's figure it out separately with each.

Vitamin A (Retinol) Runs the update process and speeds up the synthesis of collagen and elastin, thanks to which the old cells are replaced faster. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, and the complexion becomes even. That is why it is often added to anti-aging cosmetics and means for treating acne. If you do not have such problems, you can do without a means with retinol. Also keep in mind that the natural side effect of a saturated update is the peeling of the face. Fortunately, this process is temporary, then the skin will again become smooth and tender.

The best facial product with vitamin A: serum or night cream. Products with retinol must be applied overnight because it increases the sensitivity to the Sun. And before applying, you should not use moisturizing lotions: they will weaken the effect of vitamin. Do not forget about the protection of the sun. The highest activity of the Sun is not at all for the summer, but for spring, so it is necessary to use sunscreen from March to September. If you have a tendency to the formation of pigment spots, then all year round.

Vitamin E. Indispensable in combating fading. It supports the water-lipid balance, nourishes and due to this smoothes wrinkles. Means with him will quickly cope with any damage to the skin, since they activate the processes of regeneration, so that they will greatly remove the peeling from the cosmetics with retinol: for example, you can first use serum with vitamin A, and an hour to apply cream with vitamin E. Vitamin E in Natural form is present in the skin, but its reserves are depleted with age, and they must be regularly replenished. Cosmetics with it will also fit the owners of young skin with a tendency to dry and sensitivity: it quickly restores the hydrolypide film.

The best facial product with vitamin E: Like vitamin A, it is fat soluble, so it is often added to dense creams and masks that are ideal as nightly. In the afternoon, such products, of course, will be busting.

Vitamin C It has antioxidant protection and suppresses melanin production, thereby clarifying pigment stains. It is not produced independently and should constantly come from outside. At the same time, from its shortage, our skin suffers first of all, because for its protection the body borrow it first from the epidermis. Here are only ascorbic acid very capricious. Scientists have already broken their heads over how to stabilize it, because when contacting light and warm, it is extremely rapidly destroyed.

The best remedy with vitamin C: it can be cream, and serum, and a mask. The main thing is that ascorbic acid is stabilized.

Stress causes increased production of some hormones that make adrenal candoors produce more male hormones

Stress causes increased production of some hormones that make adrenal candoors produce more male hormones


Alarms of the day

Stressful situations at work, traffic jams, problems in relationships - because of all this voltage accumulates. Stress causes increased production of some hormones, in particular cortisol, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. They force the adrenal candy to produce more male hormones, and this, in turn, leads to increased selection of sebum. Therefore, unfortunately, if you have a tendency to rash after stress, all external measures will be useless until you eliminate the main reason - stress itself. Recommendations There are the most simple - sports, hiking in the fresh air, regular meditation, compliance with the day of the day. Make sure that more products with vitamin D are present in your diet, which improves the condition of the skin, is cottage cheese, cheese, seafood and cod liver.

Do not forget about the importance of sleep. During the day, skin struggles with negative external factors, the cells should be updated at night. It is not surprising that the face first reacts to the lack of sleep - the skin immediately becomes dry and atonic, wrinkles appear. The key to its restoration is intensive moisturizing (masks and creams with hyaluronic acid or algae polysaccharides are suitable). Do you have dark circles or swelling from the lack of sleep? Put the drainage and vessels in the cosmetics with cornflower, chamomile and ginkgo biloba. There are good home recipes. If, after a sleepless night, you do not make reflection in the mirror, make a strong green tea, break it into a bottle with a pulverizer and put it in the refrigerator, and then spray on your face, neck and neckline. Soaking with cold tea two cotton disks and put five minutes to the eyes. From the cold, lymphatic vessels narrowed and swelling quickly passes.

Due to the rapid rhythm of life and intense schedule in the body, many toxins accumulate

Due to the rapid rhythm of life and intense schedule in the body, many toxins accumulate


My breathe

You can also hold a special detox program. Due to the rapid rhythm of life and stress schedule in the body, many toxins accumulate. Periodically, these substances are "expelled". For this, steam procedures and massage are good. Detoxification is the deliverance not only from dust and dirt, but also from the components of the intercellular fluid that impede the normal exchange of substances. Detox can be carried out in the cabin: First, a special ionized composition is applied to the face, then with the help of microcrokes, the whole "garbage" is pulled out of the skin, like a magnet. Three four procedures - and face shines health. But you can arrange detox and at home. To do this, buy a special cream with antioxidants in high concentrations or components that stimulate the production of own antioxidants (so work the extracts of cress and red grapes), as well as soothing ingredients. Similar funds are used by regular courses, most often overnight.

And in general, in a big city, it is worth a particularly careful approach to the question of the purification of the face. If this is neglected, a large amount of technical dust falling on the skin can lead to a decrease in immunity, cause an allergic reaction or acne.

Women with any skin type living in a big city, a couple of times a week should be deeply cleaned with scrubs or acidic peels. Use Milk, gel or foam daily for washing, depending on the needs of the face. Also, a mandatory in the ritual of purification is a lotion or a tonic, which neutralizes the remnants of tap water on the surface of the face and serves as a conductor for subsequent cosmetic products. Instead of tonic, you can apply home tools. Moisten the cotton disk with incipient milk and wipe the skin, fifteen minutes will smell cool water.

Observing these simple recommendations, even in the metropolis you will hit all the shining faces.

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