Talk about the benefits of nuts


Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements necessary for body tissues. Delicious and useful, they are an indispensable component in the diet of vegetarians and raw food. Despite the fact that nuts are a fatty product by using them with raw and temperate quantities, you can even lose weight. The thing is that they contain useful omega - 3 fats, as well as substances necessary to remove slag and toxins from the body. They do not have "empty" calories. Talk about the most famous types:

1. Walnut

Walnuts call food for mind, and no wonder mom try to feed them to children. Biologically active substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the brain, as well as help to reduce the nervous tension. It is often recommended to people in cardiovascular diseases, as well as those who have problems with the thyroid gland.

Calorie: 648 kcal

2. Almonds

Almonds are very often used in medicine and cosmetology, since it has painkillers and antiseptic means and improves the condition of teeth, hair and skin. Almonds are rich in phosphorus and group vitamins, which improves metabolism.

Calorie: 576 kcal

3. Cashew

Compared to other nuts, the composition of fat in the cashew is much less. It lowers harmful cholesterol and strengthen the immune system, and also recommended by dentists due to its favorable effect on the enamel of the teeth.

Calorie: 553 kcal

4. Pistachios

Pistachios is recommended by doctors during the period of rehabilitation after the disease, because it improves the work of the cardiovascular system due to antioxidants contained in them, and also have a tonic effect.

Calorie: 556 kcal

5. Funduk

The hazelnut has anti-inflammatory properties and is recommended for use with many diseases: from varicose veins to cardiovascular diseases. Calcium strengthens the bone and teeth contained in the hazelnut, and is especially recommended to a growing body.

Calorie: 704 kcal

6. Peanuts

Peanut feature - the content of paracumarine acid in it, which prevents the occurrence of the stomach cancer. It is also rich in folic acid, contributing to the growth and development of cells in the body.

Calorie: 552 kcal

7. Cedar nut

Small, yes delete - it's about cedar nut. It contains many more vitamins and minerals than in other nuts. The cedar nut is rich in iodine and fat-painting vitamins E, and also improves the composition of the blood.

Calorie: 673 kcal

8. Brazilian walnut

Not as popular as the rest, but no less useful, Brazilian walnut contains amino acids that contribute to blood clotting, as well as antioxidants to help prevent oncological diseases.

The uniqueness of this nut consists in the Selena - substance contained in it, which strengthens the immune system and increases the life expectancy. It also has protective properties, protecting the body from harmful substances.

Calorie: 656 kcal

It is not necessary to comb on nuts, but the use of them as a snack or addition to the main dish will help strengthen the immunity and "focus" the body with the necessary substances. The ideal recommended portion of nuts is not more than 20--30 grams per day.

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