Notes of Thai Mommy: "Return a deposit in Thailand almost unreal"


The refund of the deposit in Thailand is one of the most common problems faced by foreigners when renting housing. Moreover, the class of this very housing is absolutely not important: they can deceive and if you lived in low-cost guesthouses, and when leaving elite villas.

Usually under the distribution (more precisely, "Nestofuch") fall those who came to Thailand to relax for a week-other-fifth. When they, relaxed after a wonderful vacation, are waiting for the deposit in their hands (sometimes reaching 5-8 thousand dollars - it all depends on the level of accommodated housing), then in recent times they are increasingly not at all the amounts that completed the owners. And sometimes - nothing is received at all. The calculation, of course, is simple: a person who flies off the country through a couple of hours, it is unlikely to take tickets to achieve justice and get their money.

... or live in a straw house.

... or live in a straw house.

Therefore, some kind of malfunction is immediately discovered in the house, to cope with which only an absolutely unreal amount in dollars will help. Or, a pretty decent amount of money for cleaning to the following arrival is deducted (sometimes 500-700 dollars).

Often the hosts are resorted to a banal move: they say, at the moment I have no such amount, so please, please, the number of your bank account, and we will definitely transfer you the entire amount of the deposit. Of course, waiting for money for a long time. At least until the next vacation. Our Realter spoke about one married couple, which could not be demanding a deposit at the mistress of an elite villa four of their holidays in a row. A cute smiling secretory acted according to a simple simple scheme: there is no money, I'll send everything. They, persistent, the next year flew to Phuket, first of all assigning her a meeting. The hostess always arrived on time, with joyful exclamations, as she missed her beloved residents. Again complained that there was no money and offered to live in the house, no longer leaving a deposit. And so - four times in a row. Moreover, in their case, it was about five thousand dollars, which also deliced ​​in his pocket of cute secret.

That in this situation is angry and deliberates at the same time, this is the behavior of Thai hosts. They do not argue with you, they smile sweetly, tend to the welcome bonds and show money to return the money somehow next time. Some particularly persistent person even tried to contact the police (we were told about one family who had the amount of the deposit exceeded 150 thousand rubles and which even decided to pass tickets to Russia even for the sake of this incident). In short, the conversation with the officer was long, but unproductive. He also agreed that the mistress was wrong, even called it into the site, and even achieved that she signed some paper: they say, to blame, money really should, but now I have no opportunity to return. And - on this all ended. The married couple was offered or wait until the secret will accumulate money to hand them with them with witnesses (six months - that's for sure!), Or - to serve it into court. True, at first honeying and paying the services of a Thai lawyer.

Therefore, we decided to relax and start a new life in a new house.

Therefore, we decided to relax and start a new life in a new house.

It's a shame, but in no case in such situations, it is impossible to raise the voice in such situations, knocking on the table and angry. Because - here's another feature of the mentality - according to the stories of people knowing when someone shouts on Thais, they fall into panic or in a stupor, and you will immediately stop exist for them. I myself did not check the truth of the approval (who knows him, suddenly the truth will end with mass hysteria). However, during the residence in Thailand, I had a shit feel: all these conversations about the subtle mental design of Thais were invented to be calm, without straining, deceive naive Farags.

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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