How wonderful to be mature and wise


Not so long ago, I heard a dream from a woman who prepares for his 60-year-old anniversary. Each age line is not only a passport age, but also psychological. Eric Ericson highlighted 8 age crises, and the crisis of mature age fell into this category. But we will not get ahead, first sleep.

"My realtor found an apartment in a house consisting of several buildings: one, two, three. In general, these buildings are divided into new, repaired, modern and old, but cherished and residential. No one lives in the new. I looked at first in the new buildings, and then went to look for my new apartment in the old building. I had to go on bizarre stairs. It's impossible to even go through there, but I met other people in a dream much older than me, and they deftly walked along these steps. In one woman, I even asked how they go here, but she optimisticly replied that I would also succeed too, only seemingly scary. Then I found my apartment and saw a huge empty space. It must be sized and settled - but for now only the concrete walls of my new apartment. For a moment, even the hands fell away from how much work is to be. But I can handle".

Sleep is transparent. In the trendy and new house, read the fashionable and new body, age, our dream can not live. Her involvement group already lives in the old one, but a residential building. It is necessary to go with winding paths, even impossible, it would seem, but people and older they will easily cope. Perhaps our dreams had a beam of prejudices about what was in a mature, old age, but in fact it is easier for her dramatic fantasies about it. And later, she comes to her new unfurked apartment, that is, his new identity is a wise and mature woman, but she still does not know from the inside, what it is - she is.

Eric Erickson wrote about this age as golden pore. If a person lives to this age, there is a conflict to take himself with all his bodily restrictions, but at the same time with huge life experience. It often happens that this is the age of retirement, and therefore the crisis of social life. Many are experiencing it hard, immediately lose their health, as they are not accustomed to live for themselves, and the society for which they lived earlier, loses its meaning. At this age, the first time is the revaluation of its values, resources, reliability of close and friendly relations, care for yourself and their hobbies. At this age, a person can take the fact that it is much more mature, experienced and wise than in his youth, but will agree that the forces and energy are significantly less. And at the same time, age is not a hindrance to the implementation of their dreams, plans and goals. Many are sent to travel, others finally dedicate themselves to their hobbies or hobbies, the third is mastered the associates of the profession, which they did not have mastered in his youth, but they sought her. Minutes with loved ones can become even more valuable, especially even without much reasons, as people in adulthood appreciate their time as a gift, like delicious moments of life. It is the maturity, the rethinking past life experience gives them the opportunity to enjoy the current moment, share their wisdom and experience.

But there are those who do not accept their own restrictions, or, on the contrary, pulls out sharply. At all pores, they rush past the special mental period of life, when their own body still allows you to lead a fairly active life, while not to keep up and not to rush anywhere. I absolutely not savoring and without using the fruits of your maturity, they sharply discover themselves with old and weak, core for unrealized desires and missed opportunities, which prevents their lives to take their lives - with all its mistakes, successes and defeats, lost chances and victories. Life is generally a series of errors. Old age without wise, humorous, loving attitude towards himself is a period of heavy grades and suffering.

Our dreamy has to be able to inventively in a new life era for yourself and open it for the possibility that this life is time. There is an opportunity to accept yourself and your freedom, and restrictions, and experience in all its diversity, and relationships in all their volume. Such a golden time in which you need to be born, create your own "house", that is, to settle at this age not only chronologically, but also psychologically.

We wish her good luck, patience and enjoy the right already accumulated wisdom!

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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