Treason Husband: how to determine whether you are true to you


When we enter into a marriage relationship, we hope that the spouse will maintain loyalty to us, refrain from intrigue on the side. But it happens, unfortunately, not always. Sometimes treason occur, and sometimes "on the side" sustainable parallel relations appear and even, in fact, second families. Many women are tormented by the question whether the husband is true. After all, the unknownness is often worse even the very bad news. But how to find out if a man changes or not? If you have no one hundred percent evidence, then the only way out is to seek help from a private detective. However, the money for the services of a professional is not all, and someone does not want to carry sorny from the hut. Therefore, you can try to establish loyalty or infidelity of the partner yourself.

Evgeny Nikolaev

Evgeny Nikolaev


First, pay attention to the telephone connection and social networks "fabulous." We live in information society, and communication through mobile devices and the Internet plays a very important role for us. The first "calls", which should be alert, in this case will be: the appearance of a second mobile phone from her husband, which he does not advertise; The desire to talk on the phone alone, without "unnecessary ears"; The appearance of fake pages in social networks; Permanent exit from its own page in the social network, even if the husband is briefly leaving the room.

Sometimes there can be a lot of social network analysis - "Likes" under photos, the emergence of new people in friends. It is worth paying attention to new telephone numbers that can be specifically disguised as signatures like "Vova Autoservice" or "Kolya" - most men do not differ in particular ingenuity and believe that women will not pay attention to such entries.

Secondly, a changing man changes his behavior, habits. For example, if the spouse had a habit on Saturdays to walk with friends to drink beer in the bar, and now it is reversing clearly without signs of drinking alcohol, but consistently leaving on Saturdays. There may be a permanent and new interests, for example, if suddenly the husband begins to study a new musical style or read the literature, to which he was relevant without much delight, then it is not excluded that he does this to adapt to the musical or literary tastes of New Passia.

If a woman really loves and knows her husband, she is in itself intuitive, it will feel the changes in it

If a woman really loves and knows her husband, she is in itself intuitive, it will feel the changes in it


Thirdly, much can say the change in household habits. For example, if the husband did not pay much attention to appearance, and then suddenly spoke about the need to reset weight, began to play sports, take a bath before leaving outside and enjoy the cologne and spirits. It is clear that in the midst of the novel, everyone wants to make the most pleasant impression.

An unexpected decrease in sexual attraction will be an alarm signal, especially if the husband always was distinguished by a high temperament, and recently did not pain, did not abuse alcohol, that is, there was no external prerequisites for the decline in libido.

However, if a woman really loves and knows her husband, she in itself, intuitively, will feel the changes in it and will understand that he has appeared if not a mistress, then at least an interest in another woman. If the documentary evidence of this will be required, then you can watch my husband, say, try to trace him, call him friends with some kind of pretext, excluding the burnout from their side, and so on. But the most reliable way to learn about the treason of her husband, of course, the appeal for help to a private detective.

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