Larisa Guzeyev: "The fur coat must earn your work"


- Larisa Andreevna, what do you think, how much should women be in the wardrobe, fur coats? And how many sorry, for the indiscreet question you?

- Winter cohes there are never a lot. I have three fur coats, but I'm already at that age when I can be more. I love the author's fur products, in which heat and cozy. Interesting works that are striking their fantasy are made from the best fur, they are invested so much soul when we dress, this beauty, you feel in the seventh heaven from happiness.

- On your program "Let's get married" young people make good gifts to girls. And some expensive fur coats give?

- No, no one gives fur coats, I generally think that the fur coat must earn your work. And I still do it, it seems that the young girl does not have an expensive fur coat, because it is a bad tone. When I on the twenty-year-old Unice I see a dear fur, I have a thought that it is or dad a fool who bought her fur coat or boyfriend old uncle. Maximum that the young girl should wear is fur hats or fur collars in the style of "Naive", but after thirty you can and luxurious fur. But this is my opinion.

- On your program there is a huge number of young people who are very confidentially communicate. And in your opinion, what is it today's youth?

- The youth is very different. But one thing I can say that 20-30 years ago, people married more than now. Now, probably, it is easier to survive by one. And most young people seek at the beginning to make a career, earn more money, have time to buy, get a maximum of entertainment from life, and then reserve the family. But it seems to me that it is wrong, because they regret what you missed the time. We must do everything on time when you are young, you need to fall in love, meet, marry, start a family. Do not deceive nature. And there is nothing more than the years, staying idle and free, look with envy on his friends who have already big children. Of course, living in the family is a huge job. But it is much better than loneliness, let it even forth and without problematic.

- Sometimes young girls are presented to guys, what kind of transmission demands, do you think it is right, to position yourself? What do you say in such cases?

- I say that no one is obliged to love us fanning and pissing, and you need to change. But the right to happiness have everything.

-Larisa Aleksandrovna, you are always so brilliant on television, energetic. Open the mystery, where do you get the power?

- Television is such a thing that exhausts and takes energy without a residue. And to restore it is better than spa treatments, humanity has not yet invented anything. I adore visiting the Spa - Salon and go there immediately for the whole day. I come there just no, squeezed as lemon, no energy. I trust myself with specialists, and they "return me to life" with different effective procedures. I love massage, masks, hardware cosmetology.

- And when do you manage to ride your residence in Bulgaria?

"I don't have any country residence, I want to dispel these rumors, so the cracks that are photographed from - for the bushes, let them hurt. In Bulgaria, just sometimes rest.

There is a good kitchen, all natural, people open, kind. I went with my mother, with children, with a niece and evening let go of children, without fearing for them, they had fun at the whole coil, did not miss. This is a calm, secure country with a normal ecology. There was such a nervous, sweened there, and calmed down in a week. Previously, it was possible to hide with her husband and relax in Bulgaria. But everyone suddenly began to care how we spend time, as we look at on vacation, and now Bulgaria is not the most favorite place. Apparently you need to leave for the rest of the North Pole.

- This year the law adopted, which prohibits journalists to flattery in a personal life. Your opinion?

- I think it is right, because besides my personal life, there is a personal life of my mom, my children and my husband. I am not 22 years old to start your career with scandals. Maybe someone like to confess to the public, but in any case this path is not for me, I'm a "skirt of plush." I have a lot of serious work in the movies, so I only interfere with this popularity.

- Larisa Andreevna, please tell me, please your wishes to your sincere fans in the new year!

- I want to wish the heart, sincere warmth of friends, relatives, children, because no fur coats are able to warm us, because the love and love of loved ones is warming! Take care of each other!

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