Top 3 sign of the zodiac leading in the list of billionaires


Forbes rating includes 613 dollar billionaires, among nor × 110 - from Russia. If you evaluate all the list of list, the distribution of signs will be such - the leading of the Virgin, and the least among them are Sagittarov:

1. Deva.

2. Scorpio

3. Capricorn

4. Aries

5. Cancer

6. Lev.

7. Taurus

8. Gemini

9. Scales

10. Fish

11. Aquarius

12. Sagittarius

While one collect a trifle, others consider bills thousands

While one collect a trifle, others consider bills thousands


And now we'll figure it out why these people earn so much:

Virgo. Devs are inherent in delicacy, perfectionism, some misfortune, but they know how to live comfortably and with prosperous. Nine Dev from the list is headed by Jack Ma, the founder of the Chinese company Alibaba, with a state of $ 40.9 billion.

Scorpio. The billionaire list includes five scorerons: they often achieve success indirect paths, ambitious, illegible in the means. But there are among them those who entered the list of the most secured people legally: the richest - Bill Gates with a state of 67 billion dollars, hereinafter - Charles Koh with 46 billion, businessman, benefactor, co-chosen company Coch Industries, Abigeyl Johnson, President of Fideliti Investments "with a capital of 16.6 billion

Capricorn. Capricorps are ready to earn a lot, skillfully invest, multiplyingly earned, but they are not in a hurry to spend money on the balletness. The list of the richest people in the world includes eight caferals. The most provided Capricorn - Jeff Bezos - American entrepreneur, founder, Chapter Amazon, owner of the aerospace company Blue Origin, Washington Post's publishing house with capital 189.2 billion dollars. The company makes him Christie Walton, the daughter of the founder of Walmart Sam Walton and his wife Helen Walton, whose capital is estimated at $ 41.8 billion.

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