How and where you need to buy glasses


Unfortunately, many people who have vision problems are still slightly closely belong to the selection of glasses. They buy a ready-made product, and not to order. As a rule, guided by the following: "I seem to be +2 (or -2), here on the glasses it is written, take." Well still, if the glasses are purchased, for example, in a pharmacy. But often, glasses are bought in the metro transitions, in a completely incompetent in the question of the selection of people's glasses. At the same time, the beauty of the rim and the low price is worried by the buyer more than the quality of the glasses lenses.

Time passes. A person begins to feel dizziness, headache, blood pressure increases, ripples and pain in the temples. The specified symptoms can not immediately connect with incorrectly selected points. Meanwhile, it is precisely such the consequences of this rash purchase. More severe consequences include astigmatism, even greater impairment of vision. Improper decentrova lenses can lead to disturbance between pupils and even squints.

That is why it is important when choosing points to contact an ophthalmologist, and not to the "grandmother in the transition" and not even to the pharmacy in the pharmacy. The more accurately the doctor will be able to determine the indicators of visual acuity, the more correctly the glasses will be selected and the less harmful health will be caused. In some cases, correctly chosen points even improved visual acuity.

Determine the indicators of visual acuity can only an ophthalmologist

Determine the indicators of visual acuity can only an ophthalmologist


Of the minuses from ready-made, manufactured "on the template", and not by individual order, glasses can be called:

- Fixed inter-shock distance does not always correspond to the declared, it is this defect that leads to nausea, dizziness, headaches, eye fatigue, progression of impairment of vision;

- The quality of the rim leaves much to be desired: cheap materials made, for example, in China, can cause allergic reactions;

- Low quality lenses: Such lenses are rapidly wear out, there can be different diopters in glasses and even to be present an astigmatic component.

It is possible to most accurately determine visual sharpness only with the help of modern diagnostic equipment, which is available in ophthalmic salons.

Vision must be checked every 2 years

Vision must be checked every 2 years


Acute view must be checked:

- baby after birth;

- closer to 1 year;

- at 3 years;

- before school, and at school - every year;

- aged 19 to 64 years - every 2 years;

- Every year after 65 years.

For those who wear glasses, it is also desirable to check the vision at least once a year, and better - 2 times to adjust the spectacle lenses.

The swollen eyelids, flashing in front of the eyes, dark spots in the field of view, foggy and blurry image, the eyes of the eyes and the feeling of sand - only when these problems occur, people go to an ophthalmologist. And the consultation often finds out that all this could be avoided if the points initially correctly picked up a professional ophthalmologist.

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