Attempt number five: why it fails to get pregnant quickly


If someone is enough one sexual intercourse to conceive a child, then others are trying to fulfill the dream for years. Moreover, no one will guarantee that pregnancy will still happen. However, many couples make the same mistakes that prevent the long-awaited child to conceive. Let's figure it out.

You are worried too much

Hormonal background of women is very unstable, any trifle can affect him, even a bad mood. Therefore, strong experiences are able to strongly reduce the chances of successful conception. Specialists from the United States conducted an experiment, during which they found out that women living in a state of chronic stress experience more problems with the conception themselves, and also face complications during pregnancy. If you notice a constant fatigue, irritation and nervousness, while not stopping and trying to get pregnant, but it does not work in any way, try to reduce the level of anxiety yourself, for example, practicing meditation or start visiting yoga courses. And only in the case when the physical activity does not help relieve the voltage, refer to the specialist.

You can make a mistake in the calculations

You can make a mistake in the calculations


You abstain too long or lead too active sex life

Some couples seriously are convinced that cum can be saved. However, the theory is untenable for the reason that after a weekly abstinence, sperm loses its quality, spermatozoa is no longer so active. Also, doctors are not recommended too part, since successful conception does not depend on the number of sexual acts, but from the quality of sperm and the appropriate state of the woman at the moment. Experts recommend regular sex, but do not exercise in any or another.

Rely on dubious advice

Faith in miraculous means lives in our women for a long time and will probably live always live. Surely, many have heard of douching with a light soda solution, which allegedly help to normalize the level of acidity in the vagina. However, the doctors are skeptical about such actions, because the blind followed by the people's methods can lead to complications of you have already existing diseases, for example, inflammatory processes can exacerbate, and you don't need it at all if you plan to become mom in the near future.

the main thing is not to lose hope

the main thing is not to lose hope


You may be wrong in the calculations

Our body is not a stationary computer, where all systems work in one mode equally coolerly. The cycle of most women never begins and does not end at the same time: it is about the difference in just a few days. At this, even with the perfect cycle, a woman can be mistaken in the calculations, because many simply do not know how to start counting from what day.

You blame yourself

Successful conception depends on two, so it is definitely not worth it to shift all the blame. As statistics show, men, in 40% of cases are men, and 40% include women, and the remaining 20% ​​of the steam are simply incompatible in many indicators. Therefore, if the partner begins to accuse you to failure, do not take too close to the heart. In the end, successful conception can occur both in six months, and in a year, provided that you do something for this.

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