5 things that we can afford with age


Do not worry about someone else's opinion

With age, you have gained experience and your own look at certain things. Even if he does not coincide with the opinion of others, no one can accuse you that you do not understand something on inexperience. Our life is too short to spend it on those who are uninteresting and unpleasant to us, much better focus on relatives and loved ones that we truly value.

You are not reproached in nonsense

You are not reproached in nonsense


Demand attention

In his youth, it seems that to demand solving their problems from outsiders, ask for something to do something for your convenience - egoism. With age, we will automatically deserve a sedentary place on the bus and a better table in the cafe.

Deserved convenience

Deserved convenience


Wear comfortable shoes

Many all their lives are tormented, wearing high heels and uncomfortable shoes. Age allows us to spit on a sexy appearance and low growth. Now you can put comfortable shoes and clothing. This is primarily respect for yourself and your own body. You get to spit on the fact that your legs insult someone's feeling of beautiful.

Wear what you want

Wear what you want


Bad habits

Yes, smoking it bad. But what's the point of abandoning the bad habit now, since she accompanied you all his life? It's time to just enjoy every minute, and not apologize for your actions. At a certain age, we come to the fact that it is time to take themselves with all the losses, and our features and disadvantages may well become a highlight.

Can afford any passion

Can afford any passion


Stop postpone "for later"

There are more important and urgent cases than daily cleaning in the house and maintain hairstyle in model order. Have you dreamed of watching Victoria Waterfall? So it's time to do this, because every day the forces are becoming less and lowering the journey further makes no sense. You are not obliged to report to a stranger on how to spend your time.

Time to travel

Time to travel


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