Notes of Thai Mommy: "The explosions were heard right behind the gate of the house"


... That day we woke up in the morning from powerful explosions. War? Shoot? What, after all, happened?

Cannonade was distributed literally at the gate of the house. And while I fought in a panic around the rooms, my husband was already there, at the site of events. And I found out what. It turns out that we made friends with the local spirits of our new dwelling, of course, the fact is expandable. But it is only the beginning. Because little to cause recognition from good spirits. You also need to try to drive the spirits of evil. Thais themselves as no one succeeded in this lesson. These invisible creatures are trying to just scare. That is why the temples (next to one of which we settled) periodically the explosions of Petard are periodically distributed. And during local religious holidays with a break in five minutes, these inconspicued flappers may thunder.

For explosions, Petard use special furnaces that are located in the territories of many temples.

For explosions, Petard use special furnaces that are located in the territories of many temples.

It is believed that evil spirits are the souls of those people who failed to be reborn. Therefore, they are capricious, behave unpredictable and generally can be pretty ruined the life of a respectable citizen. Therefore, it is better to scare them - let them stay away. Honestly, terribly first of all people. I was exactly scared when I suddenly began a shootout. But the Thais themselves seem to be rejoiced by this crash of Aki small children. At least, and that time, and later we saw, as adult serious men with blissful smiles on the faces exploded one penardue after another.

Thais believes that evil spirits also distilute a smile and a good mood.

Thais believes that evil spirits also distilute a smile and a good mood.

Personally, I like another way to drive off the evil spirits, which is also in the go for Thais. And this is the most silent and pleasant maneuver in all respects when communicating with the otherworldly world. In short, according to local residents, evil spirits quite attract all sorts of trouble, squabbles, quarrels and scandals. That is why, if you do not want to become a tailed piece for evil spirits, you need to always be restrained, smile (even if I don't want) and in no case to raise your voice. Smile, gentlemen, smile!

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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