By itself: 4 non-bunny ways to spend March 8 alone


Coming, probably, the most important female holiday - March 8. But unfortunately, not all women will be able to spend this day in the company of a beloved man or girlfriends, sometimes circumstances against us. We are confident that loneliness in International Women's Day is not a reason to lose heart and sad. If you do not know what you can do on the holiday, catch our crib.

Congratulate dear man

If you live quite far from my relatives, make the delivery of flowers or gifts for the most important woman in life - Moms or grandmothers. If possible, of course, they guide them personally, thereby setting a holiday for loved ones. And who said that on this day you need to disappear with friends or a man? Your relatives will be just happy to get attention from you to such a holiday. Do not miss the chance to spend a day with benefit not only for yourself, but also an expensive woman.

Please be a loved one

Please be a loved one


We update the wardrobe

Frosts will completely lose their power soon and the real spring will come into their rights. By this moment you need to prepare well, and first of all - to change the wardrobe, even if not completely, but adding new sneakers and dress. And better and several dresses. Do not hesitate to bright colors, this season is focused on brightness and saturation, so you spend the whole day on shopping in such a way as to accurately go home with purchases.

More endorphin

As you know, the reason for our disorders is often becoming low hormone joy. So why not fill it with the most pleasant way - chocolate and ice cream? Yes, we know that you hold the figure, but today you can. But everything is not so simple: do not buy a popsicle or horn, go to the supermarket behind a small bucket of ice cream (better, chocolate), come back home and make a steep dessert with fresh fruits or berries. And if you do not like ice cream in my pure form, make a cocktail based on it. Already by the middle of the day you will feel the tide of extraordinary joy, and we achieved it.

Get in your transformation

Get in your transformation



Any changes in life must begin with themselves. In the holiday you have a reason to spend the whole day for your own transformation. Already today, sign up for your favorite masters, and for complete relaxation, try several new procedures in the cabin, for example, fragrant wraps or a new mask at the beautician. By the way, if you have long wanted to radically change the image, March 8 is the best reason. Become a better version of yourself.

If you decide to choose a gift to your loved on, do not miss our materials:

Choose a gift best friend

6 steps to write verse as a gift mom on March 8

What to give a girl who does not like live flowers

And you can choose a gift in our SuperTest:


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