5 main habits of people successful in weight loss


The best proof of the effectiveness of any slimming system is the real data of those who were lucky enough to get rid of boring unnecessary kilograms, as well as maintain excellent results for a long time.

In the US, a national register of weight control was created, which is engaged in the study of a successful weight loss. According to its criteria, the weight loss is at least 13.5 kg of weight loss (which is 30 pounds), as well as the preservation of the result achieved no less than a year. The search for lost weight is largely: through ads in the newspaper, articles in magazines, television. Before entering the registry, the subjects fill a detailed questionnaire. Next, the questionnaires are filled annually. The study of these questionnaires and serves as the basis for analysis.

The scale of the survey was very impressive: over 5,000 people wished to share personal experience. Their successes were beautiful: on average, each weight losing 33 kg. The most important thing is that such weight has persisted 5-7 years: at least throughout the time of research. Thus, the registry includes people successful in weight loss in all criteria.

As for the general characteristics of the group of respondents, the average age of registry members is 47 years old, 77% of them are women, 95% are representatives of the European -ide race. Such a statistical sample is more than sufficient for authoritative conclusions, since it takes into account the physiological features and lifestyle.

Used slimming methods

One of the important points of the survey was the question of the way of weight loss. As it turned out, there are a large number of different methods that applied subjects to achieve reduction of excess weight. Half of the participants were able to independently cope with the problem of excess weight, others needed the help of professionals. Nutritionists, doctors, specialists of commercial specialized programs have become weight loss assistants. The most efficient and popular weight loss methods were:

- Counting calories;

- counting the volume of products;

- Restricting the use of certain types of food.

But to preserve the results achieved, the registry participants in 90% of cases used a combination of diet and physical activity in their program. Despite the fact that everyone had its own methods of fighting kilograms, during the survey, general features were revealed - it is the most interesting and allow you to create a certain system for all those who want to maintain their harmony:

Behavioral characteristics of people who have succeeded in maintaining discarded excess weight

The diet based on the consumption of low-calorie food and products with a moderate fat content.

Regular breakfast consumption.

Physical activity.

Daily weighing.

High degree of conscious control over the process of food intake.

Survey statistics Only at first glance may seem dry and boring. In fact, the national registry research provides very valuable information based on the experience of thousands of people. This information is probably useful for those who are just starting to fight excess weight.

Secrets of a successful ration

The main place in the menu of successfully lost weight occupy products with low levels of calories obtained from fats. That was the nutrition of those who fought every extra kilogram and then went out the winner of this struggle - while holding his achieved result as much as possible. On average, the daily number of kilocalorias was 1379. However, it is known that self-report undertakes actual consumption by approximately 30%. Taking into account this error, the average indicator should be considered 1800 kilocalories per day.

Of great interest is the number of calories from fats, which consumed the participants in the question for several years - 29%. That is, in fact, their diet is a diet with a moderate amount of fats.

Participants should also indicate the number of servings of various foods that are used during the day. It turned out that in the averaged menu of people who wish to make a reduced weight stable, the portions of vegetables prevail, contains an approximately equal amount of fats, meat, fish, legumes, and there are almost two portions of dairy products per day.

The following peculiarity of successful people's weight loss is the preference of products with a modified composition of fats and sugar, including the increased consumption of artificially sweetened beverages.

Specialists also interested, how many times a day people with a reduced weight take. Based on several polls, which were held annually, it was found that the studied eaten an average of 4.7 times a day. The power mode consists of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and between them can be one or two small, light snacks. By the way, a successful weight loss did not prevent the fact that almost half of food techniques occur in restaurants, including in fast food restaurants.

Successfully lost people paid special attention to the use of breakfast. After all, it is a breakfast that gives energy for physical activity, long reduces the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat something.

Interesting and observing the diversity of nutrition of the research team participants. It turned out that in their menu they prevailed monotonous products that reduce appetite, leading to more rare food intakes, to a decrease in portions, which helps to maintain reduced weight. The study of these surveys has shown that the thrust for diversity is caused not only by "classic" with overweight dishes (cakes, desserts), but also by almost all products. The appearance of a new taste in the diet leads to a desire to try the dish again, but the monotonous food is rapidly annoying. Thus, a limited choice of products is a deterrent that helps less eat and keep weight on the achieved indicator.

Less TV - more movement!

The study showed that the one who wants to stabilize his weight, achieved by any method, should pay much attention to the exercise, walks, dancing - any form of activity. It is important to choose exactly those exercises that deliver the greatest pleasure: it can be running, cycling, but the most frequent and most effective type of activity is a walk.

Interviewed devoted to movement for about an hour per day. Why for a beautiful, slim figure should be friends with the movement? Physical activity causes increased energy consumption. Lower the weight at the same diet is much easier when calories are also spent due to sports and walks. It is sad that not everyone overcomes too lazy and find the strength every day to devote at least a little time to active movement - because weight loss always requires purposefulness, perseverance, organization.

Based on the research, it was revealed that more active movements, especially systematic, accelerate weight loss and help hold reduced weight. To illustrate this output, the researchers compared the number of minutes that spent women at different stages of weight loss. The representatives of the beautiful sex that were engaged in up to two hundred minutes of classes per week, threw about 8 kg per month. If more than this time was spent on physical activity, weight loss was more than 12 kg, if less - about 2 kg. Since a large number of people took part in the survey, these indicators should be perceived as a serious reason to think. Just a little increasing time on walking or bike - and a larger number of kilograms will be reset. The same women and men who avoid classes lose weight much slower.

What types of activity do these successfully lose weight people report? Walking is the main type of activity. It is universal, suitable for any type of figure, does not tire and at the same time quite successfully plays a big role in weight loss. Someone goes over only walking, some combine walking with run, hikes in a fitness club, dancing, cycling walks. It is valuable that time spent on sports time will not be used to view the TV, to sit in computer games or just sleep. Compared with the average person, the polled spend on a TV is 30% less. The more useful - the less harmful!

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