Polina Grenz: "For the role in" Fizruk "I ate so many sweets that they would fit in the body of the truck!"


After filming in "Fizruk", actress Polina Grenz changed her hair and was noticeably lost. Some even noticed change on Polina's face. Impressed by change received comments from the actress itself.

- Polina, on the plot of the series your heroine - the girl is not the thinner. Have you ever been specifically corrected for this role or somehow change your appearance?

- When I was approved, I was slightly slim, as always. And it was necessary to sit on the "diet" to recover. This required a couple of months. The amount of sweet and flour, eaten during this period, can be placed in the body of the truck. (Laughs.)

- Judging by your appearance, after filming, you have chosen a reverse diet ...

- After the project, I decided to lose weight quickly, so I changed the diet: I tried to exclude sweets, flour products and semi-finished products. Instead of sausage, for example, eaten vegetable and chicken dishes cooked in a double boiler, all sorts of low-fat soups. It satisfied unloading days, ate often, but fractionally. It did not give up completely from your favorite dishes, but reduced their consumption many times. So dropped more than ten kilograms. And so it's so nice to try out a beautiful fitting dress!

Polina Grenz:

Eroid Polina in the TV series "Fizruk" - a girl in the body. But after filming the actress lost more than ten kilograms

- It is known that the actress is important to look at all hundred. How do you watch your appearance?

- I do not use any folk recipes, because sometimes they only scare. Is it just a rapid oil for hair. I, confess, mainly take care of hair and leather with various oils - almond, apricot, burdow, jojoba.

- It is rumored that you were noticed in a cosmetology clinic to make some serious procedures. Why do you need actress, which is only 21 years old?

- Well, there are always a lot of rumors around the artist ... I really began to go to my now a constant cosmetologist. Just during the filming of make-up and light have not the most favorable effect on the skin, it becomes sweat, and to give her a healthy look, even in such a young age care. To refresh the face, we made a drainage procedure, removed excess water from the cells of the face. So nothing frighteners - no Botox! (Laughs.)

- It is no secret that some actresses are ready to go for the role of everything. If the director needs, agree to Botox?

- I am very afraid of injections. And if the director says that you need to prick Botox for a role, then I, of course, refuse. Joke. It is better to give him to his doctor, and they will be able to negotiate.

The editors thanks Olga Moroz for helping in organizing shooting.

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