Yulia Shilova: "I still believe in a fairy tale!"


"New Year is my favorite holiday in a year. I like the pre-New Year fuss, a feeling of change and waiting for the fact that in the new year in my life everything will change for the better. The new year opens the veil of magic and joy, faith in what all our desires will be fulfilled.

Previously, the new year was always associated with Mandarins. Yes, it is with mandarins. In the Soviet times, tangerines were a terrible deficit, sold only on the eve of the holiday and always in acquaintance. My parents brought to the holiday of Mandarins, put it in the storage room and gradually laid out on the table. In order to improve Mandarins, we needed to wait for the new year. I constantly dived into the storage room, launched my hand into a small box and enjoyed not only the taste of the Mandarins themselves, but also their appetizing smell. As soon as the parents went to work, I stuffed the tangerines of my pockets, put them in the header and fled to treat neighbor guys. And once, at the time of the preparation of a festive dinner, Mom took a crystal vase and went to the storage room in order to fill it with tangerines and put them on the festive table. Sunowing your hand in the box, she got amazedly to look for tangerines, but did not find anything, except for the whole pole, which they were wrapped. Having learned that I murmured the whole drawer to my friends, I did not scold me, because the New Year's Eve began, and on New Year's Eve it was accepted only about good.

Mandarins, Champagne, Salad Olivier, Napoleon cake, happy parents and numerous relatives - this is exactly the same thing in our family New Year for many years. At school, I was always a Snow Maiden and led both school trees and urban. It was a wonderful and happy time. I had a gentle blue suit and a beautiful wig with white long braids. Santa Claus was my classmate, who, with me, led several Christmas trees a day, improvised, danced and distributed gifts. I still remember the happy eyes of other children, their laughter, their admiration and their children's faith in the fact that we are real. The children jerked me for braids, read poems, sang songs and made the most incredible desires. Late in the evening, after the completion of the next tree, I and I walked in the school table in the hope of getting an insanely tasty apple pie, baked by our chefs. That was what work was awarded for many hours, because in essence we were still children themselves. I often remember how we solemnly cut this cake, and with what bliss we ate him. Then it seemed to us that nothing in the world was tastier. I shot my braids, threw them to the next chair, ate a pie and looked at a woman with a wondered wife with a look. And we were not sad at all that all these holidays would have to stand on the city square, to blame and entertain the people, because we were together and every evening had the opportunity to eat such a tasty pie! And on New Year's Eve, my Santa Claus went behind me on the Christmas tree, barely standing on his feet, and simply strongly drunk. The beard gone on his side, the hat crawled on his eyes, and only dreamed about the equilibrium. I remember well, as I, such a fragile Snow Maiden, literally dragged the drunken Santa Claus and putting it on the chair next to the main Christmas tree of our city, tried to conduct this holiday alone. Santa Claus sat just for the background. I remember how the competition began, the crowd collapsed from laughter, and I thought that I was doing something wrong. And when I looked around, I saw a fallen Santa Claus, who stretched behind a bag of gifts and a brave language tried to read some quitty. That night I was very offended by Santa Claus. In the morning I went home with a tired walk, and Santa Claus sangled for me and apologized. By giving me me, he gave me a chocolate heart, which he himself ordered at the confectionery factory. It was the first heart that a man presented me, and let it be chocolate, because the man was Santa Claus himself. It was so touching and unexpected. The first heart, the first recognition in love and the first timid kisses ...

I still believe that New Year's Eve is special and anything can happen to it. I believe in a miracle that will definitely come to my life and everything will change. I dress my daughter with a delightful snowflake on the New Year's Ball and trying to convince her that Santa Claus would be sure to come to us. The daughter is smiling and reproaches me in the fact that I still believe in fairy tales, that there is no frost, that these are ordinary units with toy noses that go through apartments and are waiting for someone to drink them. Our children have become much mature than then we were. And at her age, everything believed and even wrote a letter to Santa Claus. I am even writing his letters now. I ask him more vitality, creative realization, peace of mind and peace in the family.

In this wonderful night, it is customary to raise glasses and make desires that will certainly come true. Let it be so that night! Let this new year be the most generous! And even on our path with you there are only good people, because in this world there are good people much more than bad, just many hide what they are good. And let some unexpected meeting be happening this New Year. Under the battle of the chimes, be sure to meet him. Let the one dream of your life, you dreamed about so long, saw in a dream and painted in your imagination.

Once I chose a green fluffy Christmas tree, I regards and regretted, because I absolutely did not experience the feeling of the New Year holiday.

So that neither happened last year, let's tell him "Thank you" for everything good what happened to us during this time, and everything is bad will leave in the outgoing year, like unnecessary and useless.

Let your table be joy and laughter! Let this year be the year of good change, peace and harmony for you. Give God forces, health and well-being to you, your family and loved ones!

I will be happy to see you in the new year in my books.

Loving you author Yulia Shilova. "

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