What you need to know about vegetarianism


The opponents of vegetarianism have fairly clear arguments in order to doubt the feasibility of refusal of meat.

Iron deficiency, or iron deficiency anemia. Iron is divided into hemostas and nonsense. The hemskoy iron is part of the hemoglobin, which is involved in the transportation of oxygen. The hemskie iron is contained in meat, fish, eggs and milk, that is, it has an animal origin. It is believed that it is almost completely and easily absorbed by the human body. Neghemova iron is contained in vegetable products: legumes, nuts, cereals, vegetables, fruits and greens. It is absorbed by the body much more difficult. From here there were such fears about the deficit of iron at Vegan. At the same time, Laktovogetarians (LAcTis - milk), allowing the use of milk and dairy products, except for renewed cheeses and gelatin products, as well as Ovolktegetarians (OVUM - Egg), including dairy products and eggs, iron deficiency in their diet. Their image of food is considered ideal, especially after 45 years. Vegetarians recommend to use as much green vegetables and fruits as possible as well as greens. Nuts, legumes, beer yeast, bran, gentle cereals and mushrooms are suppliers of nonsense iron. So that it is better absorbed by the body, it is better to eat with the products containing vitamin C.

Deficiency B12. This vitamin can be obtained from the products of only animal origin. B12 takes part in blood formation, it is necessary for the synthesis of DNA and many neurological functions. For Lacto and Ovovgetarians, milk and eggs are the main source of B12. Vegans need to take synthesized vitamins.

Children and vegetarianism. From a medical point of view, vegetarian benefits are proved for people over 35-40 years. It is believed that the refusal of meat at this age can reduce the risk of developing many diseases. Children can also stick to this nutrition system, but experts remind the need to develop with a family doctor to receive special vitamins so that there is no iron deficiency and B12. Protein can be obtained from soybean and other vegetable food.

It is proved that vegetarians are less susceptible to diseases such as atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, arthritis, arthrosis and type II diabetes. The vegetarian type of food leads to the norm of cholesterol, supplies the body an important fiber for it, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and purifies from toxins.

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