Star or Vintage: how to choose the right things in second-hand


More and more people give favorite clothes a second chance of life, and there are good reasons for it. It is not enough that in second-handes you can find high-quality products at attractive prices, but also buying used things, we are still cleaning all the objects of clothing from cluster on landfills. If you are a novice in the art of economical shopping, be careful: the hunt for long-fashioned treasures can be tedious. However, the awards outweigh the problems, and, following some of our savings, you can leave with unique purchases in surprisingly low prices.

Make a plan using a smartphone

Economical purchases without a clear goal - it is like a grocery shopping on an empty stomach. This is done, but not perfect - you will definitely take something too much. Make a mental list of what you are looking for, based on the already existing wardrobe - it will help to focus and meet the budget. You can save on the phone the images of the desired things from the social network store. This will simplify consultants search in the store or let you know if they have something similar on the hangers.

You can shop while consultants check the clothes you have brought and evaluate it.

You can shop while consultants check the clothes you have brought and evaluate it.


First sell your clothes

Another way to save on the budget is to choose commissions that not only sell clothes, but also buy it. If you want to earn or simply clean your wardrobe before adding new wardrobe items, these stores are great for you. You can shop, while consultants check the clothes you entered and evaluate it. If you want, you can also sell clothes and accessories on the Internet.

Dress on occasion

There are no fittings in some stores, and we do not recommend buying anything, without making sure that it is suitable for you, because many commission stores do not produce a refund or exchange. To fix it, put on the tagging shirt and bikes or leggings to try out clothes it was easier, even if for this you have to change in the middle of the store. For commission stores that have fittings, it also makes the outer shift and efficient.

Make purchases only for cash

In order not to go beyond the budget, take a cash with you when you go for economical purchases. Although it is easy to get into the trap "But it's so cheap," do not forget to stick to your values. Buy only that clothes that you need and which combines well with your current wardrobe. You will be stumble upon unique and beautiful products, but if they are not in your style, they will stay hanging in the closet. So admire them from afar, take pictures, if necessary, but do not take them home with you.

Save time by browsing the passages

Redo the numerous piles and hangers with clothes are not for the faint of heart: to inspect each thing, eternity will take. You must master the scan art. Based on what you are looking for, and on your preferred color palette and aesthetics, go through the store and scan each rack on the subject of things that stand out and attract your attention. This requires concentration and skill that you will develop with time. Practice leads to excellence!

You must master the art of scanning

You must master the art of scanning


Side your finds

Whether it is a new, commission or vintage thing, it should come to you like a glove. Since your favorite things are often unique, you may need to make changes. For simple modifications, such as the firmware, try to do it yourself. You can also pass your new shopping in dry cleaning to make sure their cleanliness. For a more complex fit, you need to consult with a tailor, so before buying, make sure that the product is invested invested.

Make friends with store employees

As soon as you find a store that matches your style and budget, make friends with his staff. They can help you during shopping, as well as provide valuable information, such as the appearance of new products and about the clothes they want to buy for the store. In addition, everyone needs a friend to say whether the concrete thing is suitable for you.

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