Articles #93

Divorce, danger, loss of money: unfavorable days of March for each sign of the zodiac

Divorce, danger, loss of money: unfavorable days of March for each sign of the zodiac
Aries - March 17One of the most defining features of the Aries is that they are always in a hurry, go from one thing to another and barely breathe. And...

Breathing Yoga: useful practices

Breathing Yoga: useful practices
Breathing for yogis has always been the main tool for adjusting the consciousness, the most effective and effective means for healing the mind and body....

How to behave on a date so that it led to a serious relationship

How to behave on a date so that it led to a serious relationship
Within the framework of the project "IION INTERNET" on Rosantika radio experts in the field of fashion, psychology and etiquettes shared advice, how to...

Maxim Nikulin: "Collectors are obsessed people"

Maxim Nikulin: "Collectors are obsessed people"
Maxim Yuryevich conducts a tour of the house and demonstrates its acquisitions. Dachshunds everywhere: on the shelf in the hallway, in a servant in the...

Lazy sex: Allow yourself to relax

Lazy sex: Allow yourself to relax
It would seem that it would be boring sex, when it is still far to 50. However, intimate life tires very many young people, so more and more they prefer...

Space Odyssey: Katerina Spitz and Egor Korekov save the world

Space Odyssey: Katerina Spitz and Egor Korekov save the world
In the world cinema, the problem of the earth's overpopulation has long been solved: it is necessary to find the planet - "twin" in the endless space....

5 things that do not be sent to the washing machine

5 things that do not be sent to the washing machine
Sport shoesWhat to hide, often shoes after training and competitions has an unsightly look and terrible smell. Probably, each girl heard from her friends:...

Luxury curls every day!

Luxury curls every day!
Step 1.We offer you a very simple image that is easy to do yourself. To begin with, spread your hair with the calculation so that the hair is not confusing. Step...

What refrigerator is better to buy?

What refrigerator is better to buy?
It is best to buy comfort-class refrigerators, as this is the best solution for accounting prices and quality. The refrigerators of this class are made...

Tatyana Volosozhar: "I was almost immediately sure that this is a boy"

Tatyana Volosozhar: "I was almost immediately sure that this is a boy"
- You have announced your pregnancy at a fairly long time. Would you like to leave all this secret as long as possible?- I learned that I was pregnant,...

5 tips, how to dispose of money

5 tips, how to dispose of money
Tip №1Oddly enough, psychologists advise less often to turn on the TV. So you get rid of annoying advertising and, thus, you have less likelihood of temptation...

Maria Berseneva shocked Rostovchan

Maria Berseneva shocked Rostovchan
BRIDGE OF ART Motivational Cinema Festival has passed in Rostov-on-Don for the second time. The world's largest red carpet and famous Rostov hospitality...

Is it fashionable to be fashionable?

Is it fashionable to be fashionable?
You can often hear that someone says that he "does not follow the fashion at all." Under this expression it is understood that a person does not pay special...

"For the sake of you lose weight": How Men Stars congratulated

"For the sake of you lose weight": How Men Stars congratulated
The Day of Defender of the Fatherland has passed, we managed to mention, congratulate our loved ones and friends, smoothly by going to a short, but rich...

Alexander Melman: Cosmonautics Day

Alexander Melman: Cosmonautics Day
It is inappropriate in fact, wrong. What happened then, on April 12, 1961, does not fit into any scope. No words, it was a complete delight. People poured...

Why not dream of the bridegroom?

Why not dream of the bridegroom?
Good day, readers.I recently sent an interesting dream, repeating repeatedly. A young woman, about 36 years old, sent him to decipher."I have been dreaming...