Articles #888

Lunch for Victory Day

Lunch for Victory Day
Recipes Zoe BuryakSalad "Kutuzov"Ingredients: 2 carrots, 300 g of frozen veal (fillet part), 3 salted cucumber, 1 red bulb, vegetable oil, greens.Cooking...

Marina Devyatova: "Woman in Russia or mother, or an artist"

Marina Devyatova: "Woman in Russia or mother, or an artist"
For Marina Ninth, the performer of the folk songs and the daughter of their famous father Vladimir Devyatova, the past year was the sign. At first, Marina...

To be or not to be together?

To be or not to be together?
How often do we listen to their doubts, fear, fears? How serious we treat our own experiences, especially if they are not logical? The usual way of thinking...

Reliable protection: how to care for the skin of the face in harsh frosts

Reliable protection: how to care for the skin of the face in harsh frosts
What seemed to us in winter is, as it turns out, there was only long-term preparation. The real cracks of frosts, lowering for Russia, say they will also...

Mikhail and Liana Turkish: "We don't" break "each other"

Mikhail and Liana Turkish: "We don't" break "each other"
Liana TurkishMikhail TurkishYour first meeting?It happened at Halloween holiday, in the USHow was Mikhail?Black classic suit and raspberry (!) Soroch.And...

Brad Pitt became a tanker

Brad Pitt became a tanker
The film takes place at the end of World War II in Nazi Germany. In April 1945, the American crew of the M4 Sherman Tank, which they affectionately call...

5 ways to use conventional starch

5 ways to use conventional starch
Method number 1.Cut a finger? Toddler got abrasion? Sprinkle with starch and in a couple of seconds, bleeding will stop. Acts as well as streptocid. Heals...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "It turns out that rice has magical properties"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "It turns out that rice has magical properties"
Rice is the whole head. Balinsyians assure that rice hit their island directly from the higher forces: according to the legend, a certain young man, being...

5 unsuccessful compliments for a man

5 unsuccessful compliments for a man
Compliment number 1."Now you have entered as a real man," you decided to praise your beloved, and not right. And for him it sounds: "Finally, otherwise...

Catherine Varnava will be a young grandmother

Catherine Varnava will be a young grandmother
Roman (Daniel White) leads a bachelor's lifestyle and his show on the radio. As a charted psychologist, he distributes advice to listeners, seasoning them...

Sergey Ershov: "I was lucky in my life: I do not depend on acting employment"

Sergey Ershov: "I was lucky in my life: I do not depend on acting employment"
The actor of the Ural Pelmeni project Sergey Ershov has been the most important person of the Warm family in the series "Real Guys". To hear the appeal...

Goods for animals - take care of your friend!

Goods for animals - take care of your friend!
If you have already shot down and can't find high-quality pets for animals, you just do not know where to look for them. In fact, you just need an online...

Boris Akunin: "I am grateful to my critics"

Boris Akunin: "I am grateful to my critics"
Boris Akunin, whose real name Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili does not cease to please readers with new works. Recently, a new writer's book called "History...

Grow, braid, to the belt: effective ways to "grow" hair

Grow, braid, to the belt: effective ways to "grow" hair
High-speed limitationsDuring one day, forget the road to the hairdresser and start a long and enough tedious process of growing, it is worth clear: the...

What you need to have in a class first aid kit?

What you need to have in a class first aid kit?
First. The first-aid kit must be divided into two parts - "medicinal", which will be stored in the refrigerator or a dark cool place, and the first-aid...

Emma Stone: What should be a superhero girlfriend?

Emma Stone: What should be a superhero girlfriend?
Career Actress Emma Stone began at 17 years old. Now a girl 25 and in her filmography of 27 serial and full-length projects. However, Emma's world fame...