Articles #871

Every second choice and its consequences

Every second choice and its consequences
We make a choice every second, and all our subsequent life depends on each decision. Scary sounds, right?I will not talk about the fact that we ourselves...

Star pairs working together

Star pairs working together
Beyonce - Queen R'n'B, Ji Zi. - Hip-hop magnate. But the various musical directions in which they work, do not interfere with the spouses sometimes perform...

How to choose the right hat

How to choose the right hat
Head deputies in our country are engaged in very not many. Even the word "modist", denoting the master of predominantly caps, practically disappeared from...

Nightmalls free soul

Nightmalls free soul
"I witnessed some major offense (whether drugs, whether weapons, whether something else) - the meaning is that very big money. The police reported, but...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "Before the trip we were given rescue vests and protective helmets ..."

Notes of Thai Mommy: "Before the trip we were given rescue vests and protective helmets ..."
From LuangPrabang, we decided to get out the climb. Because flights to Chang-Paradise (North Pearl of Thailand, where we decided to stay for a couple of...

Why celebrities do not recognize their extramarital children and do not pay alimony

Why celebrities do not recognize their extramarital children and do not pay alimony
Recently, the media often appear messages that show business stars do not pay an alimony to their extramarital children. In such scandals, Vadim Kazachachenko,...

Verified scheme: Skin care rules in winter

Verified scheme: Skin care rules in winter
It should be remembered that the facial care must obey a specific system, which includes purification, moisturizing, nutrition. Let us dwell on the first,...

"VIA Gra" appeared another

"VIA Gra" appeared another
"We decided to remove a bright and cheerful clip on the song" I had another ", in which the images of girls are most natural as possible and close to how...

Chads and dorporation: "A real friendship can be between a man and a woman"

Chads and dorporation: "A real friendship can be between a man and a woman"
- Andrei, tell me, do you have to rest at the "Kinotavr" or work?- I came to relax, chat, go out. I used to lean from such exits, photo shoots, was closed...

Sergey Netheyevsky: "We decided to call the team more girls"

Sergey Netheyevsky: "We decided to call the team more girls"
- Sergey, even though you live in Moscow, talk to you is not so easy. It seems that in addition to work in the Ural dumplings, you clearly have a lot of...

World History of Nosov - from Rome to this day

World History of Nosov - from Rome to this day
Alteration and restoration of the nasal shape is one of the oldest types of plastic operations. And although the technical capabilities and knowledge of...

Cold Soups: National Recipes

Cold Soups: National Recipes
SvekolnikIngredients: 4-5 small beets, 3-4 fresh cucumber, 3-4 eggs, 1 bundle of dill, ½ beam of green onion, 2 h. Lemon juice, mustard, sour cream, salt,...

Victor Vasilyev: "I was not aimed at creating a family"

Victor Vasilyev: "I was not aimed at creating a family"
See you with Anna Snatkina Victor impressed the eternal bachelor - a cheerful, a company guy, enthusiastic football and a game in KVN. He enjoyed success...

What remains behind the scene of the series "Alchemik"

What remains behind the scene of the series "Alchemik"
The plot of the series is spinning famously. 1916. Professor Alexander Nevelsky, studying alchemy, receives the Elixir of Faust, allowing people to endlessly...

Storm warning, or what is the human energy card

Storm warning, or what is the human energy card
What to be - not to power, says the Russian proverb. So the Chinese are confident that almost all events in a person's life are predetermined. However,...

Where to go to relax with children

Where to go to relax with children
Rest with children are calm, you can't call: constant fuss, there is no opportunity to relax and lie down on the beach in silence ... But these minutes...