Articles #860

Body benefit: Home mayonnaise recipes

Body benefit: Home mayonnaise recipes
Homemade mayonnaise classicKitchen: FrenchCategory: SaucesCooking time: 1 hourThe dish is calculated on: 10 people (a)You will need: Vegetable oil 250...

What problems can be masked under eye disease

What problems can be masked under eye disease
Many people experience vision problems in the modern world. According to the World Health Organization, myopia will suffer to varying degrees to a third...

How to find a husband after forty

How to find a husband after forty
Movie Eldar Ryazanov "Service Roman" We remember by heart and laugh at his heroes. But the comedy about women's women who live in their little Mirka is...

Stars who are not afraid to talk about their plastic operations

Stars who are not afraid to talk about their plastic operations
Dana BorisovIncrease breast"After childbirth and the one-year-old daughter's feeding, my breast has become two dried rags. But I somehow managed to live...

Does happiness depends on health and money

Does happiness depends on health and money
Congratulating each other with any holiday, we wish health and well-being, we wish you happiness. Does this mean that happiness directly depends on health...

Natalia Medvedeva and Polina Maksimov changed bodies

Natalia Medvedeva and Polina Maksimov changed bodies
In addition to Natalia Medvedeva and Maximova Polina in the picture called "I remember I do not remember!" Busy Konstantin Kryukov, Anna Khilkevich, Vadim...

Your way to success: come out of the comfort zone

Your way to success: come out of the comfort zone
Remember, for sure in your life there was a situation where your friend invited you to a fashionable exhibition, but you didn't want to leave the bed and...

Evgeny Stems: "Art is a sphere of high envy"

Evgeny Stems: "Art is a sphere of high envy"
- Evgeny Yuryevich, what was the main criterion for selection on this premium? And did you have the favorite yourself?- The main criterion of applicants...

Maria Butyrskaya: "Someone has a garden on the plot, and we have a football field"

Maria Butyrskaya: "Someone has a garden on the plot, and we have a football field"
- Maria, tell us how to spend the last month of summer?- That went to Turkey and have already forgotten what it is like to rest. We even have solid workouts...

In the United States produces a transgender doll for children 8+

In the United States produces a transgender doll for children 8+
The American toy company, as she claims, for the first time in the world, decided to release a doll that does not have any sexual signs and concrete outlines,...

The problem is obvious: how to protect the skin in winter

The problem is obvious: how to protect the skin in winter
Permanent change shifts on the street, frost, wind, snow, dry air in heated rooms - all these factors negatively affect the skin of the face, neck, lips...

Evelina Bledans: "The image of the blonde I am not alien to me, but the husband doesn't like them very much."

Evelina Bledans: "The image of the blonde I am not alien to me, but the husband doesn't like them very much."
At the end of last week, Evelina Bledans surprised his fans of a photo on which she appeared blonde. Someone from the admirers of the actress admired such...

Do not be afraid to dream: rituals who will fulfill your desires at 2020

Do not be afraid to dream: rituals who will fulfill your desires at 2020
Today they go 16 lunar days, and tomorrow, December 12, you can watch the full moon. Full moon in the sign of the twins is a great time in order to come...

Good Tone Rules: The best tonal creams and powders

Good Tone Rules: The best tonal creams and powders
Recognize honestly: few of us boast of perfect skin. Even with regular and proper care, there is always a chance that the pimple will jump, dark circles...

How to extend the life to your decorations

How to extend the life to your decorations
At least one simple golden ring has each. After all, as you know, gold and diamonds are the best friends of girls. And so that they retain their attractive...

BBC apologized to the fans of the series "Doctor Who"

BBC apologized to the fans of the series "Doctor Who"
The Air Force, the Air Force apologized to the "Doctor Who" fans, after the scenarios of the new series with Peter Kapaldi in the lead role leaked on the...