Articles #845

4 phrases that can not tell the child during hysteria

4 phrases that can not tell the child during hysteria
Each parent is sooner or later faced with children's hysteria, let his kid and the most calm in the world. What to do when the child is poured by tears,...

Dismissed worthy: how not to stay enemies with former colleagues

Dismissed worthy: how not to stay enemies with former colleagues
Not everyone can part with people in good relationships. Some work out by law for two weeks and go, without even saying "while". Others try to minimize...

How to maintain individuality in a dress code

How to maintain individuality in a dress code
Corporate requirements for the appearance of employees have long ceased to be a feature of exclusively large corporations. Today, the dress code becomes...

Rhythm of the big city: 4 councils, how to have all

Rhythm of the big city: 4 councils, how to have all
All week, without stopping, we would be on the way, then we carry out urgent matters, after which we get new tasks, but not everyone can organize their...

Oscar-2017: without a scandal did not cost

Oscar-2017: without a scandal did not cost
The grand scandal flared up at the end of the Oscar award ceremony, held by Sunday evening in Los Angeles. The winner in the main nomination "The Best...

Bloom and Bieber came up because of Miranda Kerr

Bloom and Bieber came up because of Miranda Kerr
In the foreign media, information appeared that the 20-year-old singer Justin Bieber came up with a 37-year actor Orlando Bloom. It happened in Ibiza,...

Beyonce and Ja Zi rose

Beyonce and Ja Zi rose
Gossip about the rapid divorce of Beyonce and Jay Zi appear in the media with enviable regularity. Yesterday, the Internet had the news that the singer...

Recipes with apples from

Recipes with apples from
Quickness in MultivarketIngredients: 4-5 apples, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup flour, 4-5 eggs, 1 tsp. Basin.Cooking method: With apples, you consider the peel,...

Course up: Why and who needs trainings and marathons

Course up: Why and who needs trainings and marathons
For your shoulders ten schools and five university courses (and someone has four)? Perhaps you are a master or candidate of science? Discuss, today your...

Stormy party: SOS to restore before working day

Stormy party: SOS to restore before working day
The mascara spread under the eyes, the traces of lipstick are visible on the pillow - you again fell asleep, not washing cosmetics? Even at the very sewing...

Dopamic Fasting - Alternative to Pre-New Year Hysteria

Dopamic Fasting - Alternative to Pre-New Year Hysteria
There is a change in life. Apparently, he thought one familiar lady, when he decided that her twenty-year marriage gives a terrible routine, and therefore...

5 necessary items in the spring wardrobe

5 necessary items in the spring wardrobe
The style of clothing in the recently recently on the screens The film "Jackie", with Natalie Portman in the lead role, became a model for imitating this...

Dima Bilan and his wedding in the style of the 90s

Dima Bilan and his wedding in the style of the 90s
Dima Bilan married ... And it did it very eccentric. The clip on the joint track of Bilan and Singers Polina "Drunk Love" can laugh, angry, inspire a controversy,...

Shah and Mat: Turn the fatty skin

Shah and Mat: Turn the fatty skin
Probably, the most problems are experiencing girls with a fatty skin type: the tendency to inflammation and the constant use of matting napkins can derive...

Margarita Sulankina: "Not bad alternative - contact small travel agencies"

Margarita Sulankina: "Not bad alternative - contact small travel agencies"
Recently it became known that another major travel company went bankrupt. Tens of thousands of tourists suffered, someone could not fly away, and someone...

Galina Bob: "The second child I gave birth literally in the car together with my subscribers!"

Galina Bob: "The second child I gave birth literally in the car together with my subscribers!"
Actress Galina Bob is no longer the first time in life in situations that somehow occurred with her on the set. The star of the series "Deffchonki" has...