Articles #812

The consequences of periodontitis: how to prevent the development of the disease and how to understand that the campaign to a specialist can no longer be postponed

The consequences of periodontitis: how to prevent the development of the disease and how to understand that the campaign to a specialist can no longer be postponed
Doctors argue that more than 90% of the country's adult population is affected by periodontitis. Just like the caries, this disease leads to the loss of...

All the subtleties of liposuction: what you need to remember before going to the doctor

All the subtleties of liposuction: what you need to remember before going to the doctor
That ended the New Year holidays - the time of carefree feasts. Many with horror discovered that they scored several extra kilograms. And it seems to be...

Natalia Medvedeva will be blonde

Natalia Medvedeva will be blonde
In the center of the plot - the modest girl Alena, who works in the library and dreams of playing Juliet in the amateur theater. She cannot imagine that...

How to fulfill dreams with astrology

How to fulfill dreams with astrology
It is the first lunar day - the basis of your happy life. Unfortunately, on this day you do not have much energy to act, but the power of your thoughts...

How to forget the former and stop living in the past

How to forget the former and stop living in the past
Everything has long been over, but you still think about him. The old insults do not give rest - he really wound you. Passing on "your" places, constrain...

5 secrets of long-livers

5 secrets of long-livers
Sociologists drew attention to several islands on the planet. There, people live longer, and they get sick less than on the continental territory of states....

5 ways to refresh the interior in the bathroom

5 ways to refresh the interior in the bathroom
Method number 1.If we, sometimes do not regret the kitchen or living room, invite the designer to create an interior, then not to wait for such luxury,...

In the apple: what to give, if you go to visit the baby

In the apple: what to give, if you go to visit the baby
Probably, each of us has friends or relatives with at least one baby in the house. It is believed that with each visit, even without reason, the child...

Star Tips: how to return to the form after the holidays

Star Tips: how to return to the form after the holidays
New Year holidays is always a pleasant time! You can forget about the concerns and daily bustle, devote yourself to a family, close, loved ones and, of...

"Score" on the problem - and she will decide

"Score" on the problem - and she will decide
We come to this planet, not having clear instructions, how to live: rejoice or suffer, love or hate, forgive or revenge - and every era dictates our rules...

Experiment with autumn blanks

Experiment with autumn blanks
Chicken fillet with cottage cheese and greensFor 3 servings: 3 chicken fillets. For sauce: 200 g of cottage cheese, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. Turmeric,...

What to cook on the anniversary?

What to cook on the anniversary?
Lulle-KebabFor 5 servings. For chicken lula-kebab: 400 g of chicken minced meat, ½ onion, 30 g of greenery, 2 tbsp. Wine vinegar, 1 tsp. Zira, 1 tbsp....

Evelina Khromchenko walked along the water

Evelina Khromchenko walked along the water
The leading program "Fashion sentence", a journalist and expert in the fashion world of Evelina Khromchenko visited Chicago. The other day the TV presenter...

Roman Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nikolai II: For the first time, a ballerina diary is published

Roman Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nikolai II: For the first time, a ballerina diary is published
Balkerina's diaries Matilda Kshesinskaya, in which she described in detail all the episodes of meetings with the future emperor Nikolai II, first published...

I'll call you back: Your main mistakes when searching for new work

I'll call you back: Your main mistakes when searching for new work
You have not been a student for a long time, but for some reason you are again looking for work. Dozens of interviews per week, but every time you hear...

The further, the better: 5 types of men, from which you need to stay at a distance

The further, the better: 5 types of men, from which you need to stay at a distance
"He is the one I was looking for all my life!" - You assure girlfriends, sitting with them in a cafe and discussing the latest news. What, they turn around...