Articles #754

Women here are not a place: fighting gender stereotypes inside the team

Women here are not a place: fighting gender stereotypes inside the team
"Who said you are not worth it?" - Pronounces the lines of the performer Selena Gomez in one of his songs. In these words, the main problem of the development...

The series "Abbey Dounton" revived starch collars

The series "Abbey Dounton" revived starch collars
About a century ago, starch collars were an integral part of the English male wardrobe, but gradually lost their significance, as they were recognized...

Evgeny Dyatlov: "I, like a cutlet on a cutting board, is divided into many projects"

Evgeny Dyatlov: "I, like a cutlet on a cutting board, is divided into many projects"
—After the television show "Extremely", where you showed a million-line audience, which not only play the theater and starve, but also perfect, professionally...

Woman and yachting are incompatible?

Woman and yachting are incompatible?
Just imagine that the pirates of the Caribbean, the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans sometimes waited for hundreds of days in the sail....

Alexandra Ursulak: "If I want to be a cheerful grandmother, you need to start cooking Sani in the summer"

Alexandra Ursulak: "If I want to be a cheerful grandmother, you need to start cooking Sani in the summer"
- Your heroine in the new season of the series "Grand" is a chef and a pretty hard person. What do you think, how much do you look like her?- I watched...

How was the series "Baddance"

How was the series "Baddance"
The picture was removed based on the novel of the novel, Alexei Ivanov, about the return of young guys from the Afghan war to the country, which changes...

Pavel Tabakov: "I realized that I could not be disheavitable for family surname"

Pavel Tabakov: "I realized that I could not be disheavitable for family surname"
- Paul, role in the movie "Star" - Your first experience in filming in the cinema. How do you yourself evaluate your debut?- So far I do not appreciate....

Preparing dinner for Thanksgiving

Preparing dinner for Thanksgiving
In Russia, the day of thanksgiving is noted, but it is quite aware of the fact that the Americans eat on this holiday. And these dishes have already received...

Love brings only happiness: we rebair your idea of ​​healthy relationships

Love brings only happiness: we rebair your idea of ​​healthy relationships
"Yes, these are all temporary difficulties, we will cope," you console yourself after another quarrel with a young man instead of solving to parting. Remember...

How to fill the lack of "sunny" vitamin

How to fill the lack of "sunny" vitamin
As you know, vitamin D is synthesized in our body thanks to the sunshine, so it is called "solar vitamin". Also, the source of this important vitamin is...

Golden Rules: Careful hands in the cold season

Golden Rules: Careful hands in the cold season
The most important enemy of the skin of the hands is ultraviolet. It destroys collagen and contributes to the formation of free radicals. But in the autumn-winter...

Drive away: obsessive thoughts that interfere with living

Drive away: obsessive thoughts that interfere with living
Daily we skip through yourself a huge amount of information, and this information is not always positive. In addition, personal problems create even more...

Love with consequences: Is it worth entering the marriage contract

Love with consequences: Is it worth entering the marriage contract
Despite the fact that your family relationships are built on trust, love and understanding, and the second half does not allow the thoughts that you can...

Marrieding for a foreigner: Features of international relations

Marrieding for a foreigner: Features of international relations
Fate sometimes weave incredible patterns, pushing people towards each other and their fate. You can speak different languages, live in different countries,...

How osteopathy will help with specific female illnesses

How osteopathy will help with specific female illnesses
Osteopathy today is becoming increasingly popular and in demand. After all, a list of diseases that can be cured (or at least alleviate) with its help...

Ilya Legoev: Star not for everyone

Ilya Legoev: Star not for everyone
There are, of course, here is an offensive inconsistency. Persons of popular YouTube-channels - in all signs of big stars. They have a huge audience, an...