Articles #67

Confidence itself: 4 tricks of successful public speech

Confidence itself: 4 tricks of successful public speech
Today, the ability to speak beautifully is an indisputable advantage when taking a job, and also necessary if you plan to advance through the career staircase...

Summer close: horoscope for May

Summer close: horoscope for May
AriesAries in May can relax, luck accompanies in everything: in love affairs, and financial matters. You can start exposing now - all the conceived will...

Hit online: what to do if your intimate photos were in foreign hands

Hit online: what to do if your intimate photos were in foreign hands
The last week in the network does not subscribe to the discussion of the new film with Christina Asmus in the lead role. But the whole thing in the sensational...

When a dream becomes healing

When a dream becomes healing
An interesting letter came to me with a request to consider sleep. He dreamed of a young woman after she found out that the child she was waiting for,...

Nina Shatskaya: "Lemurov Matriarchate"

Nina Shatskaya: "Lemurov Matriarchate"
"I dreamed of seeing Madagascar since childhood, famous for its endemics - plants and animals living exclusively on this island.And when I finally got...

Anna Starshenbaum: "In the" stork "I am especially pleased with the role of my husband"

Anna Starshenbaum: "In the" stork "I am especially pleased with the role of my husband"
Anna Star'shenbaum now knows exactly what dreams come true. The main thing is to clearly formulate them. The actress has long wanted to voice the cartoon,...

What if you are survived from the team

What if you are survived from the team
Getting into the situation when you whisper at your back or, worse, build a goat, no one would like. An unambiguous answer to the question of how to do...

5 skin problems that are characteristic of the spring period

5 skin problems that are characteristic of the spring period
Problem number 1Dark circles under the eyes appear in spring from a lack of vitamins. Mix 2 h. Turmeric and 2 h. Natural pineapple juice to the state of...

5 secrets, how to look expensive

5 secrets, how to look expensive
Noble colorsThings do not have to cost several thousand rubles, they may look expensive due to their color. Emerald, sapphire, amber, ruby, amethyst -...

Fashion for girls Pluse Size: What you need to buy this fall

Fashion for girls Pluse Size: What you need to buy this fall
Irina Rudyinskaya - actress and model Pluse Size. Irina is not only filming the cinema and serves in the Mchate named after Gorky, it is a face of many...

Your dream man: How to charm a person from which you are crazy

Your dream man: How to charm a person from which you are crazy
As a rule, when meeting with a person, which we madly like, we begin to behave unnaturally - the whole thing in the excitement - and, of course, there...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "They say, after milk, Thais behave the same way as Russians after vodka"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "They say, after milk, Thais behave the same way as Russians after vodka"
With dairy products in Thailand really tens. No, no, the yogurts are made all the shelves, but the cottage cheese or kefir is not found - well, except...

He persuaded: zodiac signs, which are difficult to stay with one woman

He persuaded: zodiac signs, which are difficult to stay with one woman
Despite the fact that we choose the second half based on our own sensations that arise in the presence of a person, some things in the future development...

Happy Life Calendar: November 1, 2019

Happy Life Calendar: November 1, 2019
Finish the working week, armed with the recommendations of Alexander Litvin.Calendar in infographicsNovember 1, 2019Clothes color Black, blue, electricianDrawing...

10 products that help get rid of intestinal disorder

10 products that help get rid of intestinal disorder
Balanced intestinal microbis is needed for optimal digestion, the absorption of nutrients and their elimination. He also supports a healthy inflammatory...

Maternal bouquet: largest stars of domestic show business

Maternal bouquet: largest stars of domestic show business
Today, the media reported the joyful news: Jigan will become a dad for the fourth time. Fans are taught, waiting for the touching newborn pictures with...