Articles #57

Batat is just potato or superfood?

Batat is just potato or superfood?
Bathat is sweet starchy root roots grown around the world. They are of different sizes and colors, including orange, white and purple, and rich in vitamins,...

Notes Thai Mommy: "Get rid of extra kilo after delivery - the problem is sometimes unreal"

Notes Thai Mommy: "Get rid of extra kilo after delivery - the problem is sometimes unreal"
I already led a similar fight - sixteen years ago, when our daughter Alexandra was born. Then the damned kilograms sticking during pregnancy, refused to...

Eight steps to forgiveness

Eight steps to forgiveness
On offended water, and with this folk wisdom according to most psychologists. Is it necessary to forgive? How to do it, if it seems impossible? Candidate...

Mouth on the castle: 3 phrases that may not please your colleagues

Mouth on the castle: 3 phrases that may not please your colleagues
As a rule, 90% percent of the working population is dealing daily with 3 and more colleagues, and not always such communication can be called harmonious....

Get out of dusk: how to succumb to depression

Get out of dusk: how to succumb to depression
To the wife of Prince Harry from the very beginning of her relationship with the heir of the throne, the public exhibits increased attention. Megan is...

At what temperature to wash sportswear to kill bacteria

At what temperature to wash sportswear to kill bacteria
Sportswear is the strongest source of unpleasant odor in your laundry basket. It is clear that I immediately wash things after workout. Few people will...

Calmly, cutting: what to do if the navigator gave a failure on an unfamiliar road

Calmly, cutting: what to do if the navigator gave a failure on an unfamiliar road
Very soon the last snow melts and many will go to their holidays or to other cities. Naturally, going to the personal car with a proven time by the navigator....

Eva Green: "I don't want to get caught on the love hook"

Eva Green: "I don't want to get caught on the love hook"
She, what is called Femme Fatale - a real rocky woman. Her name has always been associated with the forbidden fruit, sinful and desirable. Surprisingly,...

Ilya Legoev: for the whole Ivanovo

Ilya Legoev: for the whole Ivanovo
"And what should we do now?" - Loudly, the spouse of Ivan Okhlobystina, sitting behind the wheel of a car, which broke in the middle of the road. "At first...

Bring to clean water: top popular Russian interviewers

Bring to clean water: top popular Russian interviewers
The times of television programs "Posner", "Cinema in detail" and others have long been riveted in the fly - and the reason for this is not in the low...

Sexuality - even in a dream part of our nature

Sexuality - even in a dream part of our nature
As promised, the second publication in March will be again with an example of a man's sleep. This month was lucky twice, since I love the dissembly of...

Pension will come faster than you think: how is financially prepared for old age

Pension will come faster than you think: how is financially prepared for old age
To live in the present or think about the future is the eternal problem of people. I want to walk around the bars now, ride on vacation abroad and buy...

Woman - Leader: Is it possible, staying blonde, be successful in business

Woman - Leader: Is it possible, staying blonde, be successful in business
Nowadays, no one will surprise a woman who made a big career in business. Moreover, many entrepreneurs and top managers emphasize the benefits of "female...

Benedict Cumberbtech showed his parents

Benedict Cumberbtech showed his parents
The continuation of the British series "Sherlock" was published on the first night of the new year on the first channel simultaneously with the premiere...

Sports inventory: We collect cosmetics in the hall, swimming pool and sauna

Sports inventory: We collect cosmetics in the hall, swimming pool and sauna
"On sports, you are peace!", As well as beauty, health and energy. Sporting loads have long become a mandatory point of beauty program: Aerobics, gym and...

3 stylish reception to look with needles during pregnancy

3 stylish reception to look with needles during pregnancy
Pregnancy does not mean a rejection of personal style. Now there are so many options for beautiful clothes for pregnant women, regardless of the growth...