Articles #480

Need a thermos? Buy top quality utensils now just

Need a thermos? Buy top quality utensils now just
Do not want to part with your favorite drink on trips, in the workplace or while walking? To do this, it is enough to buy a thermos.Come in handy in any...

Scandal with Ksenia Sobchak is gaining momentum

Scandal with Ksenia Sobchak is gaining momentum
It is worth recalling that a week ago, the sharp of the tongue of Ksenia Anatolyevna was quite tough about full of people. Then she wrote in his Instagram:...

Again you lie: why we deceive each other

Again you lie: why we deceive each other
We all were engaged in it ... told on the first date, which is not enough sweet and for many years she hold the head, they talked to his girlfriends, which...

On the way to Hollywood: Beauty products for a snow-white smile

On the way to Hollywood: Beauty products for a snow-white smile
Do you know that the skin of the lips loses 3-10 times more moisture than the skin of the face. This is all the more relevant now, during the "timeless"...

Rospotrebnadzor: Coronavirus cannot multiply in seawater

Rospotrebnadzor: Coronavirus cannot multiply in seawater
Specialists of the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" conducted research on the viability of coronavirus in water. Almost all...

Polina Dibrova puts in place of worship

Polina Dibrova puts in place of worship
Polina Dibrova, a spouse of a famous TV presenter, and from recently the star of the screen itself, actively leads his Instagram. A young mother talks...

Choosing a husband by clothes

Choosing a husband by clothes
Certified expert profiler, coach of specialized programs and psychologist Alexander Kojtytko know how to choose a suitable man in his costume.Bright manIf...

Julia Kovalchuk: "If you offend me, I can revenge"

Julia Kovalchuk: "If you offend me, I can revenge"
If the style icon in America has long been considered to be Sarah Jessica Parker, then in Russia it is a fashionable twin called Julia Kovalchuk. Not so...

Actors with a championship character

Actors with a championship character
Nikolai ValuevSportI started Nikolai with basketball. And even was the champion of the country among young younger young people. In addition to the ball,...

Fedor's VS Bowl: We select a hat for spectacular yield

Fedor's VS Bowl: We select a hat for spectacular yield
In the past few years, the hat began to "appear" on the streets of large cities with enviable regularity, various types of hats can be seen both on young...

Oksana Robska marries 6 times

Oksana Robska marries 6 times
Recently, about Oksana Robska almost nothing can be heard. It is only known that a few years ago she married for the fifth time. And together with the...

How to make a beautiful neckline

How to make a beautiful neckline
It happens that you look at the girl in the photo in the bottom of the underwear and sigh that you do not have such a neckline? About men at all should...

What if the shower and deodorant do not save?

What if the shower and deodorant do not save?
Why do we sweat? A person under the skin has swelling glands. Each of them is connected to the nerve. And when a person is experiencing stress or something...

Top 10 most beautiful and successful ladies

Top 10 most beautiful and successful ladies
Olga RomanovaOlga Romanova is one of the top specialists in the field of beauty. Star makeup artist, Olga - founder and creative director of the brand...

Flight and Grace: World masterpieces IV International Festival Opera and Ballet "Chersonese" 2020

Flight and Grace: World masterpieces IV International Festival Opera and Ballet "Chersonese" 2020
Russian ballet is one of the business cards of our country. The inhabitants and guests of the Crimea this year will be an amazing opportunity to see world...

Preparing marinated plums

Preparing marinated plums
You will need:- plums.Marinade (on 2 liters of water):- 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;- 6 tbsp. sugar spoons;- Vinegar - grape, apple, balsamik - at least...