Articles #395

Alexey Fateev: "I realized that I could not live one"

Alexey Fateev: "I realized that I could not live one"
Our hero struck the entire filmmaker with his gallant manners, such a forgotten male courtesy. Despite the fact that Alexey Fateev is very in demand in...

Andrei and Anna Merzlikina: amazing harmonious couple

Andrei and Anna Merzlikina: amazing harmonious couple
Andrei MerzlikinAnna MerzlikinaYour first meeting?The ninth of May we remembered our grandfathers, my friend Stas Madikov came to me with my wife. She...

Dmitry Shepelev: "We were not worth marrying"

Dmitry Shepelev: "We were not worth marrying"
On an interview, he came in green jeans in a tightness and with a somewhat blushing face. "Was in the beauty salon. Made cleaning. Some right teenage problems,...

Anastasia Volochkova: "I trusted people who did not deserve such"

Anastasia Volochkova: "I trusted people who did not deserve such"
- Anastasia, in relation to your driver is a great investigation. Are there any results?- I can say that justice triumphantly. The driver was arrested....

Natalia Gvozdikova about Mikhail Efremov: "I will pray for him"

Natalia Gvozdikova about Mikhail Efremov: "I will pray for him"
Today, some friends and colleagues Mikhail Efremov came to court to support him. But those who could not, admit that they are experiencing an artist. Actress...

Gennady Khazanov: about real men

Gennady Khazanov: about real men
"Recently learned that in November we celebrate World Men Day. I can bring a lot of examples, they concern my close friends who have shown real male qualities...

Not only in the head: 7 physical symptoms of depression

Not only in the head: 7 physical symptoms of depression
Depression causes pain - and not only emotional, such as sadness, tears and sense of hopelessness, but also physical. Studies published in foreign medical...

6 rules of life mentally healthy person

6 rules of life mentally healthy person
It would seem that in psychology everything is simple: a healthy person is the one who listens to himself and exercises his desires if they do not contradict...

Orange mood: how to cook pumpkin

Orange mood: how to cook pumpkin
Pumpkin insides themselves are mild, slightly sweet, but not particularly bright taste. But correctly selected seasonings are creating wonders with them....

Oh, like laziness: 3 rapid salad recipe for days when cooking is not hunting

Oh, like laziness: 3 rapid salad recipe for days when cooking is not hunting
Tired of simple salads from tomato, cucumber and sour cream? It's time to try new recipes until the market can still buy fresh fragrant vegetables and...

Excessive sweating: What to do?

Excessive sweating: What to do?
Why some of us in the most severe heat are barely covered with an exemplary, while others are literally literally poured into cool weather?In any place...

Merch: Trend Trend

Merch: Trend Trend
If some ten years ago, T-shirt with Queen highlighted you as a group fan, now in such T-shirts you can see fashionable girls coming out of boutiques. During...

Without panic: Cooking the baby to the campaign to the dentist

Without panic: Cooking the baby to the campaign to the dentist
Agree, the hike to the dentist strains even in a conscious age, which is, to talk about children for whom a visit to the Cabinet with Bormachina turns...

Irina Apksimova: "How good to me - I am engaged only by myself"

Irina Apksimova: "How good to me - I am engaged only by myself"
- Irina, of your interviews it becomes clear that you are characteristic of doing a lot literally on "weakly", such a principle of Napoleon: first to get...

The most beloved male show business

The most beloved male show business
About the show business often say that this is a ball of kissing snakes, but recently something these snakes do not kiss, and more strive to bite each...

The whole truth about Plasmolifting

The whole truth about Plasmolifting
Plasmolifting is a relatively young technique in cosmetology, which, in fact, is a kind of mesotherapy. The main difference of this method is that instead...